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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. PoMee looks over the gun selection. "Do shardblades count as invested objects?" She asks idly.
  2. Oh yeah, I didn't think about how "the deep" can refer to the ocean. I like the idea of Shining Down, it mirrors the characters movements as they go down into the caves, and it represents your characters as something bright and hopeful. Nice symbolism!
  3. Here's a bunch of random things that came to mind: -The Magic Down Under (lowkey sounds like it's about australia, yeah this one isn't great) -Deep Down (could refer to both the caves and the characters inner struggles) - Lost to the Dark -Beacon in the Deep -Shining Through -Down again -Purgatory (here me out with this one--) -The Darkness Devours -Cities of the Deep (you posted this before I finished writing) Great minds think alike lol!
  4. Oh! I get this feeling so hard. I was explaining some of the bigger stories in my head to my family on night (for whatever reason) I was talking about how I struggle to figure out filler-plot for the stories. I've got the beginning and ends figured out, as well as the characters, but I have a hard time doing the in-the-middle bits. My mom said something along the lines of "You just need to sit down and write it, if you aren't constantly feeling the passionate urge to write than writing isn't really for you. If you really wanted to get this story down than it wouldn't already be written." I love my mom, and she's a really nice person, but sometimes her life advice doesn't really suite me. I think she was trying to be encouraging, but it came off as the opposite. imo, passion for something that interests you can be fostered, and can grow with time (I've experienced this with drawing actually, so I'm pretty sure it does work). It's okay to be casual about a hobby, we're not all Branderson, we can't all write 2 books a year. If you want to be like that, that's great! But I firmly believe that prolific-ness is a skill, not a natural trait or talent. It can be built up over time, you don't have to born with it, or whatever. Lots of really famous "masters' in writing history didn't write very many books, and they took a really long time to write them. Anyway, I just found this thread, and I will probably be here often lol, despite only having two (extremely jank) short stories and a few unfinished scenes to my name.
  5. Sharpo has to dodge back to get out of range, the end of the spear just nicking his stomach. He lunges in for another attempted stab, this time from a different angle.
  6. hehe you can call me Magi or JM if the full thing is too long. Blueberry's a great choice! One of my favorites as well.
  7. Sharpo ducks under the swing, once again lunging in for another slash with the knife.
  8. I was able to find this if it helps: I have a few more thoughts on this, but I have to go offline for a bit.
  9. Your name is so beautiful, I think it's really cool! Also, I love the flowers and background, it so really magical!

    that's exciting ;D

  11. Does anyone have (fantasy-themed) short story pompts/ideas? I've been itching to write something lately, but all of my ideas are too large-scale and I don't have to patience to start writing one of them.

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      By the book Dark Lord is trying to find a replacement for his henchman, finds love instead.

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      hmm that's a cool idea . . . I do love my dark-scary-brooding-man-is-actually-a-bashful-idiot hehe

  12. Taking the initiative, Sharpo lounged forward out of the darkness. Pocket knife in hand, he slashed at the figures midsection.
  13. Ah, thanks for the clarification. Like I said, I couldn't remember exactly what was said.
  14. I completely agree, with this. Another good point towards Wayne being respectful is that one scene with MeLann-- I think it's in BOM. She had to look like a security guard or whatever so she uses a masculine build for her body. upon asking if Wayne was alright with it, he said he was. I can't remember what exactly he said, but I don't remember it coming off as condescending or rude. Even if there is a little bit of sexism in his character at the start of the story, I think he clearly learns and moves past it by the end of the series, as part of his character development. (Like Sokka, I guess). He learns to live with Steris, he respects MeLann, and he trusts and relies on Marasi.
  15. good I'm glad i'm not spreading misinformation lol
  16. Hi!! Welcome to the Shard! Do you have a favorite kind of bagel? Blah blah blah (I believe it's done like this, could be wrong though). <--
  17. PoMee reluctantly moves on to the meeting place.
  18. Sharpo sees the figure approaching, and begins circling them, staying inside the tree line. He pulls out the pocket knife he got from his bag, and gets ready.
  19. "So . . . are we good?" Merinn asked, cautiously coming down the hill.
  20. Sharpo continued to sneak through the grass. He had something he had to do now . . . even if he didn't want to do it. Finally he spotted the person he was after in the distance ( @RoyalBeeMage). He moved closer quietly.
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