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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Dalinar wants to get better, so far, I haven't gotten any sort of hint that Moash does as well. . . (unless it's in the SA5 prolouge or whatever-I haven't read that). This is a massive difference imo. So yeah, I guess I agree.
  2. "Hello there, whats your name?" She asks as she waits for more instructions.
  3. "Maybe not then . . ." He starts running back up the hill.
  4. I was in a really good mood this morning, but then I remembered that the ACT is in one month exactly today lol


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      That's what I did in the end...

      It'll be over when it is, and I'm sure you're going to do great. One step at a time.

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi


      That's what I did in the end...

      It'll be over when it is, and I'm sure you're going to do great. One step at a time.

      thanks, that's really encouraging :D


      I may or may not be at the English prep class rn . . . I'm paying attention I promise!


    4. Just a Silvereye

      Just a Silvereye

      Seconding Bookwyrm here, try to learn how the test works. Old tests are wonderful for this kind of thing.

      And for math concepts you should try to ask your friends if they get it. In my experience they can explain better than teachers half the time 😆

      (If there's no one anywhere well my PMs are open. I have never passed ACT itself (non-American moment) so I'm definitely not the best person to help but maybe I can at least clear a couple things)

  5. Sharpo swings the pack back over his shoulder, and heads deeper into the forest looking for someone to team up with. ( @RoyalBeeMage once again offering to team up if yah want)
  6. Time for my unpopular opinion: HP- is extremely overrated and really doesn't deserve much of the praise it gets. It's writing is sloppy and the only really impactful thing that came out of the series was its aesthetic. If you love it, I think that's awesome! But honestly I find it extremely mediocre. Lotr- Is a masterpiece of writing and lore--I will die on this hill (hehe). The writing is sort of tough I guess . . . but it's not a hard read compared to a lot of other stuff I've read so I guess I don't remember it being too hard? It can be boring at times, but lotr isn't supposed to be an action-packed thriller, so I don't see the slow parts as a flaw. Most of the tropes that people insist that lotr started are actually modern half baked versions of what Tolkien actually wrote, and so imo it holds up well and it doesn't feel over done ( I will also die on this hill). Lotr is literally the ideal fantasy, and I know people say it alot and people get tired of hearing it, but it is. It isn't the best fantasy book ever however, that title goes to The Hobbit without a doubt-- but we aren't talking about that lol. anyway, that was kind of passionate . . . I have strong opinions on things (sorry)
  7. Welcome to the Shard Whatever!! I like Sheik/ princess peach in smash, what DS games do you play? Also, do you have a favorite kind of bagel?
  8. @SmilingPanda19 Sharpo went to see what was in his pack (i think you missed it)
  9. Your frustration at being silly goofy is what makes it silly goofy lol
  10. "Really? have you talked to Sharvil or Sharp? Maybe they all did it together . . ." ( @TheRavenHasLanded psssst you stilll there?)
  11. "I guess . . . do you have any guesses as to who it was? It could have been any of them."
  12. "No . . . does it really matter?"
  13. He puts an arm around her. "I'm glad that you . . . I mean-just . . . thanks."
  14. "Everything is wrong . . ." Sharp'i mumbled. He was looking through Sharpo's scrapbook for the up-teenth time.
  15. He continues in that direction, and then stops in a hiding place to look through his bag.
  16. Sharp'i had spent the past few days alone in his room.
  17. Sharpo tries to run up and grab a pack from the scattered cornucopia stuff. Then he tuns toward the forest.
  18. "I can stay and watch Mike, if you need, I kind of work here."
  19. I named my character Sharp in the first HG (twinborn). Ever since then, all my HG characters have had some variation on that name. It's a lineage lol Family tree: This time I'll be playing Sharpo.
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