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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "I would also prefer not to wear one . . . My armor will do just fine."
  2. "Alright!" July finished the drinks, and wiped his hands on his apron. Then he went up stairs to Jolane with a spring in his step.
  3. JM was still there, though she'd spaced out during the bus ride.
  4. "Want me to help too?" July asked, pausing in the middle of pouring drinks.
  5. I just want silly little jungle of death
  7. No tears. No hugs. No reunions. Just two children covered in blood, staring at each other. Sharlin was cleaning blood splatters off of her beloved gun. "You look terrible," She whispered as Sharp approached. The chaos had died down now. The last Peacekeepers had surrendered. Dougella was back with her dad. But he couldn't relax yet. "I'm not the only one covered in blood." He had intended it to sound critical, but in his own ears he just sounded tired. He was tired. She was perched on top of a small pile of bodies, as if they were some sort of slain beast; As if taking those men's lives wasn't enough of a victory. "They asked for it . . . " Sharlin mumbled wistfully, making a few finishing touches on her gun. She had one hand holding up her chin, fingers tapping on her cheek. Her childishness was nothing but uncomfortable when coated in blood. "Never let them stop you . . . that's what she told me." "Sharanna?" This time, Sharp was curt. "She's a liar." You'd think you'd tell your brother of all people that you were re-creating an ancient family cult. But no. "Everyone's a liar." She stuffed her gun back in her belt, and with the same motion, pulled an envelope out of her jacket. It flapped onto the blood-stained stones at his feet. Reluctantly, he bent and retrieved it, shaking excess blood off. It was addressed to him on the front, in Sharanna's flowery script. Her ripped it open. It was empty. Empty except for a large stack of bills. "Is this her idea of 'the truth'?" Sharp was just tired enough to not be outraged. "It's a gift." Sharlin stood, and hopped off the pile of bodies. "I like gifts." He grimaced at the money in his hands. It meant nothing. It wasn't an apology. Not for him. "How can you work with her?" "I love her." Sharlin said, her boots clunked on the stone as she drew nearer. "Tell me, what did she promise to give you? Endless money? Power? Respect?" He shook his head. "The House will bring you none of that. It was crooked since the day of it's conception and it's crooked still." "Freedom . . . and if you haven't noticed." Sharlin twirled, arms wide. "I've never been more free." "Not every shackle is physical, little girl." Her gold eyes darkened. "But many are, and Sharanna freed me." Tears filled her eyes, and she drew her lips up into a pout. "The rest of your family didn't even try!" "There was nothing we could do!" Sharp insisted. He'd always regretted that visit. It was father's idea to travel and see some their distant cousins. The descendants of some of Sharp I's wife's family. Of course father wanted to visit them because they had their own cult centered around Sharp I. One that worshipped gold because of his abilities. One that took their own children who were vaguely connected to gold and tucked them away. Kept them like treasures and used them in their ceremonies. Her eyes were beautiful. A light yellowish amberish brown that were the perfect color. Like little coins, set into her sclera. She and Sharp were the same in that way. Yet, as he saw her now it was hard to relate. She had clawed her way out, with no care for the cost of escape. He had let it happen, stayed in the box assigned to him. He had no idea which of the two was the 'right' path. Probably neither. There were no 'right' paths when you weren't even traveling. Maybe his father was right. Maybe Sharp I did still interact with the living world. But oh, but he didn't need their help. He just was cursing them in his free time and laughing. How much sorrow could one legacy cause? He was enjoying finding out. "Obviously, there was." Her voice went quiet, the tears leaking out and leaving tracks in the blood. For moment she looked the way he had seen her last time. The quiet child in an expensive gown. The living doll. The submissive idol of gold. "Because, she helped! She set me free!" She gasped as more tears fell. "And I've no idea how." Sharp whispered. "I've no idea how . . . I wanted to help. I did. But I was trapped in my own tower." Sharlin glowered at him. Her eyes saw the truth but she did not admit it, when you had little you held on to what you had. Even grudges. She took a deep breath. "Sharanna said . . . My sister said that she wants you to meet her, so you can t-talk." "I'm not joining another cult, I'm surprised you did." Sharp muttered. "Whatever they're promising you isn't worth it . . . don't you see? Your love for this violence isn't good." "I saved you." "Maybe, but you enjoyed the dark parts, didn't you?" He grimaced at the harshness of his own words. She was still just a child, he should be on her side. Working with her to get her help. ". . . You don't have to turn yourself into a monster for people to leave you alone. You can . . . I couldn't help before but maybe I can now." "No. I have a place here--" "--A place where your being used just as much as you were before." "That is not true." "It is," Sharp sighed, "The House--" "How do you know anything about the House? You never gave it a chance! You were in the arena for everything we've done!" "It's based on an ancient criminal organization that was famous for being corrupt. Famous for ripping itself apart from the inside. And I know Sharanna. For all I once loved her, I can see who she is now. What her goals are. She doesn't want peace, she doesn't want freedom for everyone. She wants to power. She glories in violence. I know because my father taught it to her, tried to teach it to me." "And what's so wrong about that? She wants change. She'll make things change if she has too." Sharlin replied with a soft voice. She turned to the side, taking a few steps as if wanting to leave. "I needed change, so she helped me do something, you needed change, and you did nothing." Her words bit into him, deeper then any knives or bullets from the battle could've. "I . . . there was nothing else to . . ." "Excuses, excuses." She said, cheerily tapping her chin; scolding him like their ages were switched. And with that, she disappeared into a crowd of her black-clad soldiers. A bounce in her step to hide the weight on her shoulders.
  8. "Sorry Eddie . . . " JM said reluctantly. "You can come next time."
  9. July finished up some of his work, and then sought out Ma'Tani. He still had to tell her what he'd overheard. @The Bookwyrm
  10. why






    gonna bully my ap art teacher into letting me use coloured pencils







    1. Show previous comments  46 more
    2. TheRavenHasLanded


      you know how bro is really sneaky? well, what if hes just standing in one of the rooms, upside down?

    3. TheRavenHasLanded


      he just doesnt understand society at all lol.

    4. Through The Living Glass
  11. "Wait but if you get on the bus, how can we go inside your brain," Jm asked politely.
  12. "Ma'tani . . . do you want another stew?" @The Bookwyrm He set the cheap bowl of soup on the table for the ninja guy.
  13. "I need you to choose . . . You know what, I'll just open a tab for you." He left to tell the cook to make the soup, and then returned.
  14. "This . . . I don't think this is a valid currency here. Could I open a tab for you?" "July." He replied, happy someone had asked.
  15. "Just because you don't have a tongue doesn't mean you can't eat. This is a food establishment." July pulled a paper menu out of pocket. "Just point to something." "I thought it was like, an intimidation thing, y'know?"
  16. "Okay, then put your weapons away and order something!"
  17. "HEY! I spent forever growing it out!" He tugs on the now short lock of hair. "Do I need to ask you to leave sir? If your looking to create a disturbance then your not welcome here." "Well you pulled them out as a warning, so same thing."
  18. "It's threatening," July explained flatly.
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