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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Yeah I guess . . . I'm July."
  2. "Nice to meet you too ." "Hey! I made that stew for the easterner lady, order something for yourself!"
  3. July approached her table, her stew in hand. "So you take the time to introduce yourself to others, but not me?" He wasn't being snarky, just genuinely confused.
  4. July did his best to hide any expression that would give away the fact that he was listening. Hearing the conversation rap up, he hurridly grabbed his tray and went back to working at tables. Luckily he did so before the door was opened.
  5. July walked away while the door was open, but went back while the door was closed. He casually leaned against it, totally not eavesdropping.
  6. "M'kay!" He left the office, and returned to the guy. "You can go in now."
  7. "Yeah, a kindred spirit?" July asked lightheartedly.
  8. "There's a guy here, says he needs to talk to you."
  9. "Okay . . . I guess I'll go see if he's busy." Awkwardly, July put his tray under his arm, and started moving toward the back rooms. He gave them a glance. What had he said about being subtle!? This easterner would be the death of him (affectionately).
  10. "Oh, he's in the back . . . in his office . . . doing important things. Can I get you anything?"
  11. "Well damn," She said as she stepped down. "Alright then."
  12. "No, because she does not want to be. You speak of a world where there is no negative stigma with the term, and people can be freely excepted as what they want to be. Then, you should respect that Eddie does not consider herself a nerd." "Going back to definition, a nerd is 'extremely enthusiastic and knowledgeable about a particular subject, especially one of specialist or niche interest,' as I just said, Eddie could be a casual enjoyer of books and other media--being a nerd implies an extreme. Not to mention the 'one of specialist of niche interest,' part. If you know Eddie at all, then you know she has many interests."
  13. "Yes, but if we push too far too soon, we won't get another chance."
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