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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "That's a good point, actually. Though, if you insist that everyone is a nerd, then what is the point of the term at all? If everyone counts as a nerd, then there is no point in insisting Eddie is a nerd, because it's already implied. Your quest to prove Eddie's nerdy-ness disproves your point about the universal nature of the term. The fact that we are having this argument means that your 'new era' is not as realized as you like." "Not to mention the definition of the term nerd implies obsession and intense interest, one can be a casual enjoy-er of a hobby--thus doing something with their free time but not qualifying as a nerd."
  2. I very strongly dislike my homeroom teacher

    he's one of those teacher's who's an elementary school teacher and he doesn't realize he'd been hired at a HIGH SCHOOL and is working with NEAR ADULTS

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I think I was spoiled with high school teachers.

      I mean, there were people who still complained, because there always will be, but they were really good teachers.

    3. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      I have a pretty good mix of good and bad teachers.

      Mostly good, if only because I made sure to choose good teachers during scheduling. 😁

    4. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      Freshman year, my geography teacher sounded like she was talking to first graders...

      I liked her as a person, but it got annoying hearing "Okay, everyone! Now get out your yellow folders for class today!"

  3. "I disagree, I think that a certain niche-ness is implied when calling someone a nerd. Why aren't people into sports, or makeup called nerds? Because it's mainstream and more socially expectable. Calling someone nerd is meant to be a form of asserting that that person stands out, or has weird interests. Harry potter is mainstream in the book-reading space, but not with the entire world. It's also a poor example, because Potterheads are weird and I don't like them." JM explained.
  4. "Oh yeah, I remember that. It's worth noting however, that Arcane is a somewhat mainstream peace of media enjoyed by a very large audience. To use it as an example for Miss Eddie's nerdiness would be exaggerating the niche-ness of the show."
  5. He his voice lowered as well, but he kept his body langauge normal to avoid suspicion. "Not at all, and she's working all day every day. The owner's pretty tight-lipped from what little I've talked to him."
  6. "Yeah, sure," She said, standing and moving to the stand-thingy-podium-you-know-what-i-mean. She put her hand on the offered copy of Way of Kings "I swear to tell the truth and only the truth, unless I forget something then it's not my fault because I forgot."
  7. July took mental note of what he heard. He approached after finishing up at another table. "What can I get you?"
  8. July continued to work and do stuff. As he went, he gossiped with the customers, looking for rumors that would help him.
  9. "Okay, okay I can do that." July wandered off, approaching one table or another, getting orders. He was trying to give Jolane space. He hated to think he made her uncomfortable.
  10. "Guys . . . Elan isn't even here, this isn't that hard." She leaned forward in her chair head in her hands.
  11. "I'M A WOMEN IN THIS RP," JM said calmly.
  12. "Ooooh, yeah I can do that, I used to work as a scribe and it needed lots of memorization too."
  13. "Yes," She grumbled back, "All the courts have them, so it only makes sense."
  14. "It's . . . fine." That seemed out of pocket. "Why?"
  15. "But they've got the official smart people, what else do they need?" JM called from across the room.
  16. "No I actually, like, need direction I've never been a waiter before." July scooped up a tray from the counter and glanced around the room. "But you know how to do this right? Your the only one I know to ask." He said, sincerely as possible.
  17. "Oh, great okay." July neatly put the ledgers away, and grabbed an apron. He tied his long hair back as he entered the common room. He casually approached Jolane, trying to be non-threatening. "I'm meant to help you out, what can I do?"
  18. July almost missed the inaccuracy, but caught it before wrapping up. So . . . Robert isn't paying Jolane. He wasn't surprised. "I'm almost done with this, what should I work on next?"
  19. "I see . . . a lucky spot then." July was almost done now.
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