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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Really? That sounds nice. The Lord who owns this place must be very merciful."
  2. He nodded again. "Well, it's nice to find a peaceful place . . . I've been traveling for a long time y'know?" July chuckled. "It feels like everyone's preparing for one war or another these days."
  3. "That does sound nice," July said, finishing a column of numbers and moving to the next one. "Violence always dampers business for those of us who'd rather not escalate the fight."
  4. "Oh, yeah they're flowers. The color is just similar, that's all."
  5. I hate to be a 'the book is always better' person however

    6 minutes into the Shadow and Bone show and I'm already bored.

    It took the book like, 250 pages until it did that.


    okay okay that was mean I'm sorry


    I'm in a sassy mood.


    Also in a similar vein, rop s2 starts tommorrow which I'm sort of looking forward to



    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi


    4. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Yeah I'm with you on this one JM

  6. I could be so much more productive then I am.

    But also.

    I don't need too, at least not urgently.

    And so I am not.

    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      I could be so much more productive then I am.

      But also.

      I need too, at least urgently.

      And so I am not.

    2. Edema Rue
  7. "Nice." Aki said as they walked through. "Like wisteria."
  8. "Got it," He said, starting on the work and trying to seem as genuine as possible. Attempting to start a conversation while he marked down notes, he said, "It seems peaceful here."
  9. "He . . . He'll be fine. The sooner we get out, the sooner he can follow and we'll all escape." Sharp tensed as he rose from his latest dead peacemaker. "More? How many are there?" --------------------- "We're going right now!" Sharlin called to Sweets as she ran past, rifle in hand. "Don't get left out of all the fun!" She gave her a cheeky a smile, disappearing into the crowd of her soldiers. House officers moved forward in a wave, pushing against the peacemaker army in the tunnel. Trapped on both sides, the peacemakers were making a final desperate attempt to dispatch the tributes on their other side. Fortunately, the rebels had numbers on their side. Sharlin took man after man down with her gun, the shots echoing loudly in the tunnel. The action lit her blood on fire, every move she made perfectly coordinated with the last. A peacekeeper slashed at her with a knife, but she dodged and rushed forward, burying her own dagger in his stomach. Her small size aided her in fighting larger, adult opponents. After the man fell to the ground, she reluctantly ducked away, disengaging with the direct fight. Sharlin wanted to get an idea of how things were going. The tunnel was in chaos, peacemakers in grey frantically fought against the mass of House soldiers in black. On the far side of it all, she could almost see some un-helmeted heads. A few people in thin bodysuits. So they really had made it. Stowing her rifle in her belt, she dashed into the chaos. This time, she dodged past people and ran between flailing limbs, not engaging with anyone. Sharanna had asked a favor of her, after all. After slipping through one duel or another, and jumping over bodies, she was finally able to get a better glimpse of the tributes. They looked how she'd expected. A bunch of bloody, tired looking teenagers somehow holding their own. A few sparkled with that magic smokey stuff that wasn't her thing. She even saw an Awakened coat strangling peacekeepers one by one in corner. She ignored most of them, she just had to make sure Sharp IIIV was still alive. Sharanna liked her brother, surprisingly. Sharlin caught his eye as he stopped fighting to remark to a girl next to him. They stared at each other for a brief moment, still in the surrounding chaos. His face fell. Shock in his eyes. Job done. Sharlin dashed back the other way, returning to revel in her violence. ---------------- Sharp's heart was beating faster then ever. Faster then when the games had started. Faster then when Kryn had died. Why is she here? He thought, frozen in place. As he stood there, black uniforms in the chaos caught his eye. They were here. Why are they here? At first he was just felt lost, then scared. Nothing good could come from the House's involvement. That was one thing his father had impressed upon him that actually made sense. It took him several minutes to realize that they were helping. They were fighting the peacemakers. They were saving him, and Dougella. Everyone. But whatever relief that gave him was overshadowed with doubt. They wouldn't do this with nothing to gain. Something had happened outside the arena, things had changed. But why would they come here? Why devote a large amount of your force to freeing a few kids when there were cities to burn? And suddenly it clicked into place. Sharanna sneaking off at night, and not telling him were. Sharanna talking to him less and less as they became adults. Sharanna's radical political ideas, her arguments with father. And ironically, her concern at his volunteering for the games. She had sent them. She was with them. A fist to the face from a peacemaker brought him back to reality. Now wasn't the time for this. Now, he had to focus on surviving. @TheRavenHasLanded v @The Bookwyrm v
  10. Hey guys!! I actually 'finished' the shoes a few weeks ago. But, I forgot to post the pictures because I've been really busy with the start of school. All the work I needed to do was just on the other shoe, and I'll admit I sort of rushed through it. I feel like the linework is sloppier, and it's not as detailed. I fully intended to go back and add some stuff and touch parts of it up because I wasn't as happy with it as I was with the first one. That said, I've started wearing them out now, and it looks fine. Good enough for me at least. Realistically, I probably won't go back in, even if I want too. I'm really lazy . I guess I just wanted to add this prerequisite, that I know this shoe isn't as good as the other, and I know it's a little messier. Without further ado: This shoe has the Cosmere symbol on the toes, and the Selish symbol from arcanum unbounded on the heel. As for what I wanted to change. I felt like it didn't have as much visual contrast as the other shoe, and I want to add maybe a drop shadow to the symbol on the toe. Because the other one is black, this one doesn't feel like it matches because it doesn't have any black. (I would probably do that drop shadow with a dark navy though, straight black might be too much). Like I said above, I also feel like a lot of the linework is sloppier. The transition on the side (which you can't see very well because of the lighting) isn't as cool/interesting as the other shoe as well. Anyway, enough complaining. What are your thoughts? Finished product side by side:
  11. July nodded and retrieved it, diving back into working on the records. "Anything you want me to do in particular?" He asked Robert without looking up.
  12. Welcome to the shard!! Do you like bagels? (if so what kind?) What's your least favorite book of all time?
  13. "Everything's in order," He said, gesturing to the neatly sorted schlaff on the table next to the log book. "Do you have records of unpaid tabs somewhere so I can keep track of it?" July's stuff smelled suspiciously of smoke with a tinge of incense.
  14. July took the opportunity to explore the other drawers, before finally finding the schlaff. He set them down on a small table in the corner. After some more digging, he found a pen, some ink, and an old finance logbook. He counted the schlaff and recorded it, meticulously calculating incomes and other smart people stuff. If he was going to use his job to snoop, then he had to do a very thorough job at his official work to avoid suspicion.
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