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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "I've never been in this part of the building before . . ." he muttered as he wandered around trying to find a door to 'the back.' Eventually he found it, tucked in a corner. He pulled the heavy wooden door open, and slipped inside.
  2. "Okay, uh . . . where is it?"
  3. "Sorry!! I wasn't trying to eavesdrop. Just curious, that's all."
  4. July appeared behind them. "She hasn't said anything about what?" he asked innocently. "It's noon, by the way."
  5. "Oh come on!" Sharlin said as she reloaded her revolver, used casings hitting the floor with a tink. "The adrenaline? The excitement??? The satisfying feeling of doing something impactful????? It's wonderful!!"
  6. "Everybody always runs off before proper introductions," July grumbled as he munched on the bread. "I don't even know eastern-lady's name."
  7. Sharlin was covered in blood, rifle in hand, a bright smile on her face. "Alright!" She shouted orders at a few squads to her right, who raced forward pushing through the chaos. "Isn't this so much fun?"
  8. "We're not as injured," Sharp called after stabbing a peacemaker and shoving him aside as he fell. "We can't risk you collapsing--get out yourself!" He continued to pull Dougella through the fight--pushing further down the tunnel.
  9. "Want some?" He pushed the basket of bread and tray of butter towards her. "The owner gave it to me, Robert I think. You can order yourself, I'm sure."
  10. July nodded. "Alright, glad to have a plan."
  11. IKR??? It's actually so good. Not really meant to be a love story though, which is why I don't count it as a romance.
  12. Spoiler

    I know I just made an SU but

    Is it called jaywalking because of The Great Gatsby????!!!!!

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Okay okay I actually googled it and Jay is a name that was used for both the character and the term separately, but it comes from the same place.

      nevermind guys


    2. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass


      It's not

      But I love that anyway 😂


    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      lol I'll go put my tinfoil hat away then


  13. Oof I get that. I enjoy English classes, but sometimes the choice of material can be weird--especially if it's not a classic. I don't believe I've ever read romance for a class (discounting Shakespeare and The Great Gatsby).
  14. " . . . if he bought her," July added cynically. "Maybe you see if there's any local gossip we should know?" He shrugged. "If we both poke around in different spots we'll find something."
  15. when the teacher has you take a pretest of the actual exam for the end of the class, but you pass it first try . . .

    Why am I even here, honestly. Why didn't my councilor let me have a free period instead?? 🥲




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I'm literally considering going to the school library to get a book that I have checked out from the city library so I can read it rn

    3. shortcake
    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      nah too late now unfortunately

      I made it by passing the time with homework

  16. "My training starts at noon, I'll try and small talk with the owner. He wants me to handle his finances, so I should be able to snoop through the businesses transactions."
  17. Welcome to the Shard!! I believe the question is meant to ask for your opinion on the ethics of Hemalurgy (For example, do you think it should be used? Or do you think it's a strictly bad thing?). But I could be wrong. What's your least favorite book of all time? Aw , I love Elhokar though . . . we were robbed of his redemption arc honestly (but in a good way, I love brandersons writing).
  18. "Alright, thanks." He ate it slowly, still watching the other employees work.
  19. "Sure, I don't care what." He said. "What time exactly do you want to start?"
  20. Sharp rushed through the gate, grabbing Dougella's hand as he ran. He had to make sure they both got out of this. ( @Scars of Hathsin) They pushed through peacemakers as the moved forward. His knife was slick with blood, and it was getting difficult to hold on to.
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