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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Oh, and I'm Aki," He told the man in the weird armour, not remembering if he'd ever introduced himself to him before.
  2. July was already up, and waiting in the common room. His job wouldn't start till the afternoon, and there was little to do till them. To pass the time, he was settled at one of the front tables, where he could get a good view of the bar, and the employees while they worked. He doubted he'd over hear something important, but maybe he could learn something from their actions. Soon Robert would get July, and show him where he was meant to help with records. If luck was on his side, that was his chance to snoop and ask questions. July noted the lady from last night entering. Hopefully she wouldn't cause a ruckus like last night.
  3. "Well that's handy," Aki said glancing at his knife. He re-sheathed his sword, and raised his lantern to look further down the tunnel. "I hope there's not more of them."
  4. Writing hot take:

    The 'stubborn' character personality is extremely over-used, and it's often not used correctly. Some times it is, but often I don't notice that the character is meant to be stubborn because it's blended so seamlessly in with who they are and why they would act that way.

    Mostly because 'being stubborn' can be seen as a flaw, so writers give it to their characters to make them seem less perfect on a check-list level (or, alternatively they use it as a positive attribute, but never explore that attribute in it's extreme that would lead to real character flaws). Then, they proceed to never give their character any real consequences for stubborn actions.

    Instead, our little headstrong YA girly just manages to have such a perfect streak of luck in the way his/her actions affect others that he/she miraculously is always right, and always comes out on top.

    Or maybe I'm just having a hard time relating because I'm a very passive person. 

    Who knows.

    1. Kajsa


      no, i think you’re right. there are a lot of “stubborn” characters out there who always end up coming out on top, and that trope has gotten so old to me lol. so i’ve included a couple “stubborn” characters in my own novels, and sometimes they’re in the right, but most of the time they end up hurting someone around them or just being downright wrong. 

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi


    3. Kajsa
  5. "Of course I'm staying, I work here." July sighed as he watched her go. He'd certainly found something to do with himself, and that was the goal. Suddenly feeling exhausted, he want to his own room. Locking the door and turning in himself.
  6. *cough* it's grammatically incorrect not to space out the dots in an ellipses *cough*
  7. "We wait, at least a little. I work here now, I can find more information then you can--and certainly in a more delicate way then just interrogating the tavern keeper. We watch. We figure out what's happening." "If it's not as simple as it seems, then we do what can. If this really is a black-and-white den of evil then we run and take her with us." "Tomorrow I'll be working with the Tavernkeeprr directly and I'll ask him about things, maybe snoop around a little. You can spend time with Jolane. We'll make a plan from there." July took a deep breath, calming himself down. "We can't let this devolve into violence."
  8. "I saw a girl who's been pushed into a corner, if there was an easy solution she would've already taken it." He said, standing in her way, jaw set. "These things are best handled with caution and understanding--if you rush into it you could make things worse. A lot worse." "I know what's common in my lands. And, I know that there's a certain way to handle it."
  9. I LOVE TOMATOES (except for the cherry ones, they're gross) NO SANDWHICH IS COMPLETE WITHOUT THEM
  10. "Okay, we will, but we'll talk about this more tomorrow, okay?" July said evenly. He opened the door all the way. He hurried after her. "Where are you going?" He had a suspicion it wasn't back to her room.
  11. July's hand was still on the door handle. "What do you want us to do?"
  12. "We don't want to bother you . . . but we want to help. Maybe I can step in since I'll be staying for a while?"
  13. "We can talk more in the morning, I'm sure you need to rest." He headed to the door.
  14. "We can leave you alone if you want . . ."
  15. "Mhm. I can handle myself well enough, but some people need help." July said, putting emphasis on the second part. He looked done at her, mentally taking note of the good head of height he had on her. "Since when does being an adult make you an elder? You can't be more then a decade older than me." July grabbed her hand. "You can't barge into a young girls room! Even if you are a lady yourself." But the door was already open, so it was little use in complaining.
  16. "We shouldn't bother her if she's turning in--" "Sorry to bother you so much." July smirked. "Are you trying to scare me away? How long have you been here, little easterner?"
  17. "Well . . . she didn't open it so maybe she's shy?" He whispered to her. "I just wanted to introduce myself, that's all."
  18. "I'm still here, but there's someone else . . . a guest I think." July called through the door. He glanced at Ma'Tani, "Do you need something?" @The Bookwyrm
  19. Nice! Blueberry's a great pick.
  20. July shrugged. "I've been in worse places believe me." He had left his cloak in his room, revealing a knee-length black tunic, and grey trousers with sturdy boots. His black hair was pulled back in a braid that reached his middle back. He was young, but his tan face was etched with several thin scars. "Who're you?" "Yeah, that's why I wanted to introduce myself.
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