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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Woah, is this one of your contraptions?!" Aki asked Nick, a little panicked. He regretted spacing off the last few minutes.
  2. What's EPIC? Is that that weird movie about the fairies in the woods? The one with the slugs? Or are you talking about something else? What was that dear?
  3. Welcome to the Shard!! Do you like bagels? (if so, what kind??) What's your favorite book of all time? (Pssst just ignore the cookie)
  4. Absolute gem I just found:


    1. SmilingPanda19



      Also, changed the pfp, i've joined the club

  5. I swear they'll never admit it but the Tolkien fandom can be so toxic sometimes good grief




    a lot of people are complaining that they've made the protag a badass female princess instead of focusing on her dad who's a preexisting character but like

    Haleth exists?

    Luthien exists?

    Eowyn exisits (and I think this character is more then likely based ON her)???


    and I get that we're all a little sour about Rop, but the way I see, if it's bad it'll be fun to laugh at and I can at least enjoy the aesthetic, and if it's good then it's good!




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Yeah, I'd heard the director was famous. Another reason not to jump the gun on calling it trash.

      I don't know if I'll see it in theaters but it would be cool!

    3. The cheeseman

      The cheeseman

      And also, Helm did in fact have a daughter. She's just never named, iirc. So she's not an invented character. There's also not a huge amount of information to go on anyway, so they have to make some stuff up.

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Oh, that's nice to know! I'll admit don't know much of the lore outside lotr and silmarillion shenanigans.

  6. update number 198302934 on the stat situation

    . . . 

    my counselor convinced me I should try to take it, and I agree (despite my whole rant earlier)

    The college will let me wait to drop out for a few more weeks, so I'm going to try and do it. I really want to improve myself and do something worthwhile with me time, even if it's hard.

    How am I feeling? Okay. I'm okay. I want this to work. I'm gonna make it work.

    (despite my whole rant this morning)

    Thanks for being so supportive the past little while as I've freaked out about it.

    Love you ❤️


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      LOL I was told it's more about analysis and stuff

    3. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
    4. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass


      Y'ALL GOT THISx2

  7. Yeah it it's a thing I think.
  8. Each member has a number that you use to search them up I think, that's what I was referring to.
  9. Oh I do! Lol I just don't check the shard's discord that much. I'll send you my number when I get home so we can be friends.
  10. Sounds cool! I'll have to check it out.
  11. That's true, though it could lead to some confusion in the fantasy space.
  12. do you have to regret choices even though you know they were probably the right ones??

    stupid rant about stuff you don't have to read it--I hate to constantly dump my emotions here but it's really hard for me to talk to people about myself.


    Now I'm feeling like I shouldn't have dropped stat, and that I could have handled it if I had pushed myself . . . more importantly working towards that scholarship was the only important thing I was doing with this school year aside from AP art. Now that's down the drain I feel like there's so little point in anything I do at school.

    I just hate that I feel anxious about something, so then I cut it out of my life because that's what they tell you to do. But then, I feel anxious about cutting it. Because they always say I should push myself if I want to get stronger, and I should go out of my comfort zone--the problem is, is that everything is out of my comfort zone. Everything. Getting out of bed, talking to my friends, going to school, heck sometimes leaving the house is terrifying.

    But that's not the case for everyone, and I know I'm not meant to compare myself. But everyone is growing up and becoming stronger, and I stay in the same wishy washy void were I don't really do anything, but I don't not to anything either. 

    If I do try to push myself even though I'm scared, I fall apart and can't do that thing anyway. But if I don't, then it raised the question of if I'll ever actually improve. Get better and stronger.

    I feel so stuck, and it's entirely my fault.

    And it's stupid because not everyone was going to toil over college classes their senior year--I'm sure a good amount of people my age don't care, and just want to graduate. I have all my credits, graduation isn't an issue at all. I even have a different scholarships opportunity I can utilize if I really want to go to college.

    And, one could argue that I am improving--because I actually told my parent's I was anxious. I usually just internalize because telling them is scary, but I actually told them how I felt, and I'm proud of myself for that.

    Another plus (because I'm trying to make myself feel better), is that without the home hours of studying I'll have more free time and I might be able to handle a job on top of school (and school will be less tiring without a super intensive class).

    That being said, if I run away now because the class feels too hard, how can I ever go to college? Because it will just as bad if not harder. If I'm not ready now how will I ever learn to be ready later?

    The schedule changes close at 3 pm today, so technically I could still take it back.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Yeah, it's not required. Technically, none of my classes are required this year because I have all my credits.

      What it was, was a college class that they hold at the high school, so you can take in now instead of later when you go to college (it's a lot cheaper in highschool too). The idea is I take stat 1040 now and then it would be on my college transcript as an official grade.

      Plus, at my school if you take so many college classes and have a good GPA, they automatically give you a scholarship--this is what I was trying for with stat 1040. 

      But yeah, the more I think about it the better I feel. I'm signed up for some other college classes later this year that might not be as hard, so if I want to push myself I can do it then.

      My mom keeps reminding me that just because I'm becoming an adult, I don't have to do it quickly. I can take my time on things, and I'm trying to remind myself of that.

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      I don’t really know what to say, but… *hugs*

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Thanks Eddie ❤️

  13. From what time I've spent in the online fandom, I think the vast majority of people call it Dungeon Meshi--in fact, Raven your only the 2nd person I've ever come across that actually says 'Delicious in Dungeon.' Delicious in Dungeon is a poor translation, probably messed with by translators so it seems more interesting. A correct translation of the title would be 'Dungeon Food.' I believe, a long with a lot of other people in the community that this fits a lot better. Plus, Dungeon Meshi just rolls of the tounge nicer, you have to admit. I agree it's more split both ways in other fandoms, when it comes to the title.
  14. I LOVE HIM OH MY WORD I'm so close to buying a figurine of him I've seen online . . .
  15. Noiiiice, I'm currently in the process of reading the manga before season 2 comes out. Haven't watched the new trailer yet tho I would write it, but if I had writing motivation I'd be working on other things. EDIT: Oops, missed Eluvianii's post, yeah I've heard that before. Personally, as someone who had brotherhoods is my first introduction to the series, I didn't think the beginning was lacking, just a little oddly framed.
  16. lol I got ur back and you don't even have to ask
  17. lol I'd read that fanfic I get that, honestly. I don't own a lot of manga and I sort of wish I did. NICE
  18. Yes. This is your punishment for abandoning 'My Turn' when the plot was just getting good. I would also like to testify that Eddie is, in fact, a nerd. Evidence being our pfp's, and discussion over them this evening.
  19. I'll have to add it to my (massive) tbr! I love Yor too lol The site I use is fan-run and mostly fan-translations and I've never had a quality problem so *shrug* Inside me there are 2 blonde fantasy ladies, one of the them is terrifying and the other is terrified
  20. Shhhhhhhhh sweet innocent child NO AKJLSDFLKSD I ALWAYS FORGET TO READ THOSE YES SHES FANTASTIC!!! Other girls looked up to celebrities in their middle school years, meanwhile I wanted to be just like Oliver (and also ironically botw zelda, but that's unrelated).
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