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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Welcome to the Shard! I'm more then happy to leave the cookie discussion behind lol Do you like bagels? If so what kind? What's your least favorite Cosmere character?
  2. "Hmmm but ships don't have wings." He contemplated this deeply. "I suppose they fly through your magic reasoning, huh."
  3. Yes, that's what it was called, thanks! I remember now. That isn't true . . . I think. Have you read the manga? The arc that the OVA covers is towards the middle-end of the original story. (If memory serves, it happens directly after one of the longest arcs that reveals the backstory of one of the main characters). It's the story where they go to a post-apocolyptic version of Tokyo, and they run into the vampire twins, right? I'll admit, it's been a few years.
  4. Yeah, as others said it's incomplete, and the studio handling it stopped because it gets a bit darker and more violent. I am remembering some kind of tv-special sort of episode group that covered an arc much later in the story, but I don't remember what it's called. I think it is a Funimation thing--back in the day you could see it on their website but I believe ownership rights surrounding Funimation have completely changed since then. There was also a Tsubasa theater feature, it's about an hour long and was played back to back with an XXXHolic (another story of Clamp's) feature. It's like a mini movie, the entire plot is original from the manga. It honestly wasn't that good, and your not really missing much. I will say it was fun to watch because the animation quality was significantly better then the rest of the anime. I believe I found at on DVD at the library, so I'm not sure what service (if any has it). The manga is worth checking out, it was my middle school obsession, and it was fun to see where the different character story's went. It's ending is a bit confusing, but that's the nature of the story, I'd say. Tsubasa is a bit of a crossover of other Clamp works, Clamp being the mangaka team that made it. For example, the witch at the beginning and her assistants have their own anime/manga series called XXXHolic. I haven't read it myself, but obviously the Tsubasa episode those characters are in is a crossover. Sakura from Tsubasa is also technically an AU version of Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura, one of the most iconic magical girl anime of the 90's. I think at some point T-Sakura makes a cameo in Cardcapoter, but once again I never finished the manga or anime so I don't know for sure.
  5. Aki frowned. "But you Nick said you people couldn't teleport? How'd you get to other planets?" He seemed unconvinced.
  6. "Ummm," Aki said. He'd never met a little Kami who lived inside spectacles. "What's your favorite food?"

    Shadow and Bone


    I have many thoughts.


    But most of them are just, 'A could have been deeper, and B could have been explored further'


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi


      (Yes, I know you don't have to. However, I have to).

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      ohhhh yeah I never read shadow and bone, I read SoC first and then couldn’t make myself care about SaB. Even watching the show, I started skipping pretty much everything that didn’t have the crows.

      but oh the crows I love them

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      yeah everyone loves it, so I want to get there eventually

      I just know it'll distract me from the actual story of SoC if I'm constantly thinking about what context I might've missed.

  8. Not the one's I've done . . . . most Shard RP's I've been in have been past tense. Granted, we're never very serious here, and it's more then likely that it's inconsistent. But, I've been in and read RP's from other places that were in present tense, and written form roleplay is more stereotypically in present tense (at least to my knowledge).
  9. "Nope," Sharp said. Maybe his sister would know--she had knowledge on ancient mysterious stuff.
  10. Penn followed, curious more then anything else.
  11. I feel like I would genuinely enjoy books written in 1st person if they . . . weren't written in first person. It's not a turn-off for me, I just have a really hard time enjoying it as much. I feel as though not only is the idea of being in one persons head not explored in an interesting way, but it can lead to stagnant and boring prose. (at least, that's my experience). Like I said in an SU when I finished The Hunger Games for the first time a little while ago, it was the first book I have ever read in present-tense. I did get used to it, but I found it odd and jarring. It reminded me of brain-rot online roleplay because those are also often in present-tense. Once again not a turn-off, but also not my favorite.
  12. Aki clumsily puts them on, wondering how a machine could have a brain. "Uhm. Simon?"
  13. "Huh." He seems more perplexed then ever, but doesn't admit it.
  14. Yeah I'm confused too. I thought we were waiting till the 31st?
  15. That's true, I was mostly looking at where 'alchemy' as a concept was used and practiced, not necessarily the specific theory's. Either way it's something to go off of.
  16. "I thought you just said your suit couldn't do it, which is why I asked," Aki explained. "I didn't understand most of that, but it sounded interesting. What's an AI?"
  17. Both excited and exhausted at the thought of AP art this year. My teacher has a hard time with technology stuff so the beginning days of the class where we have to sign up for stuff and get registered (?) is a nightmare.

    I guess I can't do the online thing I need to do, because I did it last year, but he won't open it again yet because he doesn't want people to think it's an assignment? So I can't. Do it. I'm just sitting here. 😭

  18. "Hmmm I see. Do they have 'technology' that can teleport people where you come from?"
  19. I'd love to be involved! This is a really unique and interesting idea. I'll think of a character asap. As for ideas on places, you could pull from real world places that have an alchemical history. For example, Nicolas Flammel lived in Paris France and is a famous alchemist (though most of it is made-up legend). Or Mühltal Germany, the location of Castle Frankenstien (famous for real alchemists and the book alike). It wouldn't have to be the exact historical locations, just a basis for general placement of new cities. In general I think Europe and Asia are more associated with Alchemy, but my knowledge is limited.
  20. "Nice to meet you." "So, did you say you had knowledge on the whole teleportation thing? I don't really mind being away from home but it would be nice to control it."
  21. "Oh yeah, he might've been paying more attention then me. He was gathering food in the jungle too." He glanced in the vikings direction. "He's Kaleb I think, and I'm Kato Akimitsu." He gave a small bow after introducing himself.
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