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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Remember the idea I had to write an entire short story in haiku format? Well it's still something I want to do, but the second (and latest attempt) is also being scrapped. I need to work out a solid story before I begin and I didn't really know where I was going with this one so . . . I don't really think I can work on it anymore. Maybe I'll change my mind if you have ideas??

    Here it is, if your curious. I don't know if it's particularly good, but it is something.


    The tree is rotting.

    The corruption spreads outward.

    Hidden by the leaves.




    The doctor arrived,

    on her coronation day.

    The staff was displeased.


    Why was he so late?

    There were just a few hours left.

    Soon, she would be queen.


    Her curse could not stay.

    It needed to be lifted.

    So, the doctor came.


    They showed him through

    To the cursed Princess’ rooms.

    Tall, bright, and ornate.


    Before entering,

    The lady’s maid came to ‘explain’.

    “The curse isn’t simple,”


    “We don’t understand,”

    “Some of the things that happen . . .”

    “It’s unexplainable.”


    The doctor sighed heavily.

    He would need to know more.

    “. . . How unfortunate.”


    “Indeed,” the maid replied.

    “Perhaps meeting her will help.”

    She gestured forward.


    They passed through gold doors,

    And followed velvet carpet.

    Swallowed by thick tapestry.


    Her room was dimly lit.

    Candles made gold accents glow.

    Chairs dripped jewels and silks.


    She sat at a table.

    Drowning in a plush, blue gown.

    Her eyes were distant.


    “The tree is rotting.” 

    She mumbled to the shadows.

    “. . . I feel like rotting.”


    “Lady Caroline?”

    The maid inquired, unshaken.

    “You're awake so early?”


    The doctor stayed quiet.

    He checked his watch--2 PM.

    Not early for him.


    “Lady Caroline?”

    The Lady’s maid asked again.

    “The Doctor is here.”


    “Go away,” she mumbled.

    The doors to her room opened.

    No one had touched them.


    “Don’t be silly dear.”

    The maid slowly approached her.

    “The Doctor will help.”


    “He can’t do anything,”

    Caroline insisted, curt.

    “I don’t want him too.”


    The doctor moved over,

    And put his hands on the table.

    “Do you often feel sick?”


    “No.” Caroline said.

    “Don’t you ignore what I said!”

    “I don’t want you here.”


    “I’m afraid I’m needed.”

    The table shifted away,

    Out from under him.


    “Lady Caroline!”

    The maid scolded her quickly.

    “You're terribly rude!”


    “Well, I don’t feel sick!”

    “I’m fine, so he can leave now.”

    She stared at the floor.

    Dialogue is really difficult, so next time I might try something that has less speaking and is more focused on narrative. We'll see 😅

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      it absolutely is a pain lol . . . there's a reason why I've had 2 unsuccessful attempts.

    3. Kajsa



    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      lol thanks

  2. "Maybe? I wasn't really paying attention, we were busy looking for food and fighting those giant animal things."
  3. "Yeah he was some guy, real smart, talked a lot--like you. I think he also had a tail which was sort of cool."
  4. "I don't really know . . . I was fighting a giant bear because I wanted to eat it but then my companion I was fighting with disappeared somehow and I was teleported too but he didn't come with." He gestures at Kaleb. "He was there too I think."
  5. "That sounds . . . complicated." Aki took Nick's armored sleeved in his hand, examining the fabric but not really understanding why it was so strong now. "But it seems you've got it figured out, no need for me to test it by cutting it."
  6. "Yeah it's probably magic, but that doesn't mean I believe in it." He said, as if that made sense. "It's not really my business anyway." "Uh." "That could be dangerous . . . you just got better from being all unconscious I'm not gonna chop your arm off."
  7. "Hmmmmmmm I don't really believe in magic so it might not work for me . . . though it does look less heavy then gusoku (his armor)."
  8. "All your weird magic stuff is the same to me," He mumbled, waving a hand.
  9. "Well . . . you teleported here with the rest of us, and you have all that weird . . ." Aki gestured at his suit, "Stuff. For all I know, you could be the one causing it!"
  10. "I don't know where it is . . . Something keeps moving us unexpectedly and suddenly we're in a completely different place." He shrugged. "Not really sure how it works but I don't think we can go back."
  11. "Oh." So he wasn't possessed by a demon. He was possessed by a Yūrei. "So . . . what's the plan from here?'
  12. HI I'D LOVE TO JOIN!!! (I'm good with working on any genre) I'm not sure how busy I'll be but I don't think it'll be that bad for the near future so!
  13. "What's happening??" Penn asked, wandering over. He'd completely spaced out and JM's too lazy to go back and read what happened.
  14. It slams into the stone beasts torso, causing the huge cracks to widen. It takes a few lurching steps, struggling to hold itself together. Failing, it completely crumbles to the ground, large chunks of stone crashing into the underbrush.
  15. "Mmm," Aki grunted, not sure what to say. Aki sat up with a jolt, suddenly aware he'd overslept. "Uhhmm . . ." He mumbled, pulling out his last rice ball for breakfast. "What's happening?"
  16. "Right . . ." "Dougella do you feel well enough to cut through it with your blade?" @Scars of Hathsin

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Through The Living Glass
    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      lol I did end up going cause I was too hungry so you are very correct

    4. Through The Living Glass
  18. Not sure, but I think my school has changed their blocking system so I won't be able to access the Shard while I'm there . . .

    Guess I'll find out in a bit lol

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Yeah it's weird I'm not sure how it gets through (because they block another forum that I'm on but not this one)

    3. Kajsa


      my school blocks it sometimes but not if i use certain loopholes it’s really weird

      but i never visit the site during school anymore because our teachers can see our computer screens during class and remotely manage them 

      which means close tabs and stuff and read everything we’re looking at

      i hate it so much

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi


      I think my teachers can also watch are screens but they never actually do it, y'know?

  19. The real question is, do I get all dressed up for first day of senior year OR do I just where pajamas

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      DRESS UP!!

      then wear pajamas the second day

      (if you’re like me and have A day B days then you basically get two first days)

      (also why do Wednesdays start late?)

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I gave up on pajama days in fifth grade.

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi


      (also too late for today guys, I ended up having the energy to dress up)

      ((also weird but I don't own a onesie, unfortunately))

  20. Sharp hugged her back tightly, slipping the now empty dice back in his pocket. His heart rate started to slow a little. She would be okay. "That's good . . . are all the peacekeepers gone?"
  21. GM HQ: Sharanna gave his hand a gentle squeeze, reassuring him. With a complete flip of personality, she sharply ordered several men to search the other rooms of the bunker, darkly eyeing the dead body on the floor. When they came back empty handed, she finally let herself admit victory. The battle, at least here, was finally over. "Alright boys," Sharanna said, addressing the gang members. "It seems we've won the headquarters." @The Stormfather Escape tunnel: "Dougella!" She had dove into the fight so quickly that Sharp had frozen, not sure if he should try to help or if he'd just be in the way. He rushed over to were she lay on the floor. Hastily, he dug out the contents of his pockets. A knife. A fountain pen. A handkerchief. 2 dice made of rubies. The dice! Bold wisps of stormlight still clung to them. Sharp grabbed them, pressing them into Dougella's hand. "Kryn . . . before he died he filled these with stormlight." He explained, trying to keep his voice steady. "You can use that now, right? Please, you need to heal." He pulled off his coat and pressed it on the gunshot, trying to stop the bleeding.
  22. I made a good reads account . . . not sure if that was good idea BUT i want somewhere to write rant reviews because I enjoy complaining.

    anyone else there? Who want to be friends? Maybe?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi



    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      wait I love the notification that you are now my friend

      that’s so fun

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi



  23. HG Arena: "Alright," Sharp said with a sigh. He hated feeling like he was taking something from her. GM HQ: Sharanna turned sharply. She gave Adris a very dark look. "How could you consider something so awful?" She put her hand on her dueling cane again. "Can't you see? He's just a child." It was an innocent enough sentiment, yet there was something chilling in her voice. "I'm sorry dear!" Sharanna exclaimed, letting go of him and standing up. She briskly patted dust off of her trousers. She noticed his blank expression. "Are you alright?" She held her pale hand out to him. There was a gold ring on her middle finger. "Why don't you come with me? I can help, sweetheart." HG Arena: "Oh . . . crap." Sharp mumbled. He'd expected this but that didn't make it easier. He pulled Corin's knife out of his pocket, not entirely sure how much it'd help.
  24. Unpopular reading opinion:

    'Brooding' is like, an adjective ya'll.

    A verb even. (to 'brood')

    Something that people do. At certain times. When it's appropriate.

    It's not someone's entire personality!!

    And it certainly doesn't make a love interest more attractive.


    Friendliness and emotional intelligence is far more attractive imo

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kajsa


      lol it sounds like someone’s been reading a bit too much fanfiction written by 8 year olds

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      No I'm not and that's the problem! This are professionally published books . . .

    4. Kajsa


      that’s depressing 

  25. "Oh yeah! Alright then, if you're sure. It's a lot of breaths . . ."
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