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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Are you sure? I only had like 200 hundred left, it really wouldn't cost me anything. I can live without them."
  2. Sharp looked up from trying to help Corin. "I'm not sure Dougella." He glanced back down the path they'd come. "But . . . I guess there's no turning back now right?" He reached out and grabbed her hand, without thinking. "Let's just stick together and take things one step at a time okay?" Holding her hand reminded him of something. "Hey, you probably want your Breaths back right?"
  3. "Of course not darling." She whispered, immediately contradicting herself. "Of course not." "Your brave huh?" Sharanna pulled back a little, though still keeping her arms around him. "I think, that's wonderful." "Hmmm that's true. Though, you could get yourself one o' these." She pulled a pistol out of her coat, so casually it might as well have been a lemon. "Nevermind it's made out of metal and that completely disproves my point." Her grin widened. "I'm nothing if not inconsistent."
  4. She felt him shaking. "Don't worry dear, it's alright." She gently pulled him into an embrace, still stroking his hair. Her silk blouse was soft, and the perfume was even more pungent. "You don't have to be afraid." @The Bookwyrm
  5. Sharanna crouched down to his level, and took his face in both her hands. She was close enough that Gavin could smell her floral perfume. "What's wrong dear?" She smiled at him, and her words dripped with honey. Her dark eyes flicked to the body on the floor. Painted red lips curved up in a half smile. "Did you kill him? Well, that's alright. He was evil after all, wasn't he?" She stroked his hair. "There's nothing wrong with being a killer," she whispered, quietly so that only Gavin heard.
  6. "Oooh nice." One of the spheres shot out of her hand and into Sharlin's hand. "I'm a Lurcher, but I mostly use it to detect stuff y'know? Plus there's little point in carrying ammunition if I can only bring it to myself." She held the sphere up to her face, studying it as if it held the secret to unrevealed mysteries. A few seconds of silence later, and she flicked it back at Milay with her fingers. "Be careful with those things. Someone might See them and catch you, carrying metal can be dangerous." Sharlin tilted her head, and the shadows made her eyes look hollow. "Though I suppose that's an odd sentiment, coming from me." She started humming as she walked--it sounded sort of like a waltz. The tunnel ended in a large iron gate. Darkness beyond.
  7. Secret tunnel: The tunnel continued. "What're the little spheres for?" Sharlin had appeared right behind Milay out of nowhere, even though minutes ago she'd been leading the pack. She grinned in the darkness. Her young face had an eerie edge to it, in the half-light. "A secret weapon? I'll admit, I didn't see it immediately. Guess I should be paying closer attention." She walked beside Milay as she talked, hands casually held up behind her head. Now that she focused on it, the faint blue lines leading to several pieces on metal on the other girl where clear. Sharlin had ignored most of them. Usually small pieces like that were just belt buckles or buttons. She really did need to be paying closer attention. Someone could easily hide a small knife that way. She could already hear Sharanna lecturing about it for the up-teenth time. The tunnel turned a corner, and flattened out. A few drops leaked through the ceiling. HG HQ: She walked right up to him. The state of the room and the body on the ground gave her little reason to precede with caution. "Hey!" She sternly grabbed his chin with pale, boney fingers and turned his head toward her. "I was speaking to you, young man." HG Arena: "Ummm . . . okay but maybe I could give you a few breaths? It would probably make you feel a bit better." He reached out to help him walk.
  8. Outside the arena: "Right!" Sharlin said, ducking in after them. "Heh . . . I hope it's safe!" After a short ladder, an underground tunnel extended before them. It had a slight decline. The hair on the back of Sharlin's neck prickled--she disliked being underground. She skipped ahead, maintaining an air of confidence Sharanna would be proud of. GM HQ: Sharanna slid through the port hole that lead into the safe room, nodding to the gang leaders word. Yes, it was time to end this. She passed through a few hallways, finally coming to a large room. Inside was a child. And . . . a corpse? Curious. Her elegant fingers traced the dueling cane at her belt. "You're one of the GM's, right kid?" She vaguely recognized him from the TV program. That felt like years ago now. HG Arena: Sharp wanted to check on Dougella, but with a glance she seemed fine. Corin didn't though. He wandered up to him, ignoring the path for now. "You alright?" @Edema Rue
  9. "Well, I think there's a ladder undeath so yah just lower yourself down. Maybe." She glanced back at the still closed door, awkwardly sticking her hands in her pockets. "So . . . you gonna open it with that fancy tablet of yours?"
  10. Outside the HG Arena: Sharlin pushed through the undergrowth, leading their combined forces down to the entrance she'd spied out just a few days ago. It was small, and would take time to get everybody inside, but it would work. She came to a small clearing in the forest, negative space between trees, really. She bent over, having the exact spot already memorized, and started pushing aside leaves and dirt. Otherwise completely camouflaged by the surrounding bushes, she revealed a small doorway. It was only around 4 feet wide sat at an angle on the ground, more of a trap door really. "Tadaaaaah!!!" Sharlin stood and turned with a flourish, gesturing at the dull metal hatch. "Told you guys I knew where it was!" @The Bookwyrm GM HQ: The explosions had stopped. The dust was beginning to settle. Victory was clear. But the day was not over. Sharanna had to remind herself that. No, if they were going to do this, then she would finish it. Completely and entirely. She lead a large group of men down into the belly of the building, approaching the one part they hadn't take yet. The safe room--or rooms, Sharanna didn't really know--that they GM's remained trapped inside. No doubt they were planning something, some last defense. Crossing through the dusty underground halls was unsettling. The boot falls of soldiers and gang members echoed through the underground halls, met with nothing but silence. The cold, clean metal interior was a stark contrast to the blood and rubble up above. The only evidence of the battle here was the occasional ribbon of dust sifting through the sealing. Sharanna briefly wondered if this place was still structurally sound. No matter, there was no going back now. Eventually, they reached the end of the hall. A large safe door sat at the end. Behind was the true headquarters of the Hunger Games. The place where death and violence was orchestrated. There was no need to bother trying to work with the lock. A few soldiers attached small charges along the rim of the door. A button press, a sharp pop, and a shower of sparks later, and the door swung open freely when her men pushed on it. They stepped to the side. Sharanna would enter first, and face whatever she met inside. Be that pathetic lazy nobles ready to surrender, or desperate psychopaths waiting to attack. @Edema Rue
  11. hi so I'm going to try and look at the rp sometime before I turn in tonight, but I'm honestly wasted from being busy all day. I'm also going on a road trip for most of tomorrow, so I won't be able to be active in the morning and afternoon at all. I'm sorry if this is throwing a wrench in things. It's the last few days before school starts so everyone wants to do 'one last fun thing' before summer ends, leaving me exhausted and with little time. I'll try and read what happened and respond in the next few hours.
  12. uuuum

    dear hg people

    gonna be gone till the evening for today soooo

    maybe please hold off on anything big?

    @The Bookwyrm @Edema Rue @Scars of Hathsin 

  13. *ducks my head in for a sec* hmmmmmm so is this it? or is it a separate thread for misadventures?
  14. "Hey, I'm not one to keep someone from having they're fun! That'd make me a hypocrite!" She said, laughing, walking away to finalize preparations. ---------------- (We can have that be the end of the flashback, if that's alright with everyone) "Yup! Organized and everything!" She said, gesturing to the neat ranks of soldiers ready at her command. It was somewhat surreal, considering her stature and age. "Just waitin' for the signal to get started."
  15. "Well ain't that sweet." She glanced at the tents around her. Everyone was trying their hardest, she supposed, at one thing or another. "You aren't gonna join us in the fight, are you?"
  16. "Meh, it is what it is." She finished her apple and tossed away the core. "Y'know, your awfully polite for a corrupt government guy."
  17. "Maybe, but it's got to be better then this." She waved at the small, poor village.
  18. Sharlin's squint shifter closer to a glare. "One bucket of water won't put out lakes of brimstone." She sighed and shrugged, feigning indifference. "Might as well just take what you can get, and leave it at that."
  19. Sharlin giggled. "Things ain't perfect no matter where you go, buddy." Her large, childish eyes squinted at him in the dusky light, a mischievous smile on her face. "And if it were me, I'd choose my imperfect place to be the one with soft beds and fine dining." She shrugged. "If you're gonna walk through hell either way, might as well pick which corner, right?"
  20. "Hmm, must've been nice." She took another bite of the apple. "Why'd you leave?"
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