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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Tinker's village: "Really? Neat, hows that? Must be nice, getting to see the action up close." Sharlin pulled out an apple and took a large bite out of it. She liked eating, so she did it a lot. Growing girls needed nutrients, and junk. HG Arena: Sharp glanced around. "So . . . then plan is to move everyone into another dimension (cognitive?), what do we do once we're there? Can we get out of the arena from there?" @The Bookwyrm GM HQ: Sharanna rose from inspecting the now dead body of one of her soldiers, to study the rest of the hall. The once grand entrance to the game makers headquarters was now in shambles, debris all over the floor and dust floated through the air. The first aid station was overwhelmed with captured and wounder peacemakers and her own men, and gang makers alike. The night didn't help the look of things. Shadows turned piles of rubble into lurking peacemakers in the corner of her eye, and the few corpses on the ground seemed to multiply in the dark. No matter, she thought to herself. Best not to dwell on the nightmarishness of her surroundings. There was worse to be seen. Few had died in the grand scheme of things, but few deaths in one mind were many in another. This day would not be forgotten. A soldier jogged up to her, explaining the state of things. Peacemakers were making a final push in one wing of the building, but there defeat was so overwhelming over else it seemed a hopeless effort. The officials and nobility in the building had locked themselves in a safe room in the basement, but they were all but captives. Still, Sharanna refused to say they'd won the dat. Not yet. There was there was still too much to do.
  2. I don't actually know details, I'm pretty sure it's been kept private for obvious reasons.
  3. Welcome back!! Unfortunately, some stuff happened and Thaid has been banned/left the Shard permanently (which is why you can't ping him). We miss him though! Don't eat the cookies . . . just . . . *sigh* Do you like bagels?
  4. Welcome to the Shard! (I'm so tired of cookie discourse at this point . . .) Do you like bagels?
  5. The whimsical urge to learn any and all languages you come into contact with because

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      I am doing it with my friend, he knows where to get the stuff, I’ll have to ask him.

    3. J. Magi
    4. WhyEverNot_8


      I feel this lol

  6. "Right . . ." Sharp said, thinking. "I'm sure we can find a way to help them, do you know where they are?"
  7. heh

    one week til the first day of school


    I'm not stressed out of my mind or depressed about it at all

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      aw thanks glass

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Ahhh thank you guys so muchhhh…

      We’ll all survive this I know it

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Yeah! Together!

  8. "Who's going to die?" Sharp asked, hoping off of his little stone platform on the main arena. "Maybe we can help each other?"
  9. "Sooooo . . . ." "Your not hungry?" Aki was having a very time understanding the weird man and the weird voice that followed him. Maybe he was possessed with a demon. Wouldn't be the first time Aki'd come across it. "HEY--." And then he turned blue. Aki was very upset. And cold. He'd thought the westerner guy was nice but this was just mean.
  10. McDonald warehouse: "Good with me," Sharanna said flashing a smile. "And of course, my men will be there to provide cover and backup." By then, the extra House forces had arrived, and the warehouse was full of soldiers in neat uniforms. Everything was ready. Tinkers village: Sharlin watched the new people arrive, checking to make sure everything was under control. Plus, she was mildly curious. The woman and children were the family of a tribute, it seemed. She wondered why'd they'd come at all. They couldn't fight. This was a place violence. Maybe they were friends of the villagers. She decided it wasn't her business. Watching them go, she slunk up to the guy who'd just got off the hover-craft. The guy stood out more then a dead frog in a chicken coop. "Hey mister weird guy-with the armor! Who're you?" @Ancient Elantrian GM HQ, 8:15 p.m. Soldiers in black rushed the building after the explosion, overwhelming capital security guards. The entrance was secured in minutes. Deeper into the hall, peacekeepers used large chunks of debris as cover from the onslaught. House members and gang members alike fought deeper into the building. The dynamite had been a good tactic, it seemed. Striking hard and fast had taken everyone off-guard. Sharanna surveyed the efforts from the front hall. She herself stayed mostly out of the fight, unlike the earlier alley fight. A small first aid station was set up swiftly, and she helped organize groups to capture different wings of the building. @The Stormfather HG Arena: "Yes . . . yes that'd be good!" Sharp said. His heart raced with excitement at seeing the good part of Corin win. Maybe Tinker and Mare wouldn't have to fight after all. He wouldn't have to face Dougella. He glanced around at the other tributes. "What exactly is our plan of action?"
  11. Wouldn't it be silly if there were a story where the typical, bland, male protagonist of an isekai anime get's isekai'd classically by being hit by the typical truck. But instead of going to typical fantasy land, he's isekai'd to a typical poorly written YA dystopia world where he meets and teams up with the typical blonde blue eyed poorly written female protagonist.

    It would be really self-aware and goofy. And they'd overthrow the government. Obviously. 


    By mashing them together, you could subvert the tropes of one by using the tropes of the the other maybe if you were big brain


    Ex. instead of being in a love triangle with two bland caucasian dudes (that can only be told apart by hair color), dystopia girl would fall in love with some random japanese nerd.


    There's a vision here, trust me



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Lol I might just have to write it then

    3. Slowswift


      Please do!

    4. WhyEverNot_8


      I have watched a grand total of…

      2 episodes of 1 isekai

      ‘twas quite enjoyable

      but Chainsaw Man (not at all YA, don’t watch it if you’re not a fan of swearing and/or you don’t like blood) and Black Clover (a lot more YA

  12. Ooooooooooooo I want in!! (continues to ignore A&E)
  13. "Aki," He replied. What a strange person. "I liked the jungle better," Aki grumbled, "less weird stuff." "Onto the flying thing? That doesn't seem safe." And then, after hesitating a bit, "You alright? You were pretty worse for wear a few moments ago. Want another rice ball?"
  14. "Not particularly." Sharanna said, securing her dueling blades in her belt. "I've been inside once or twice, so I've got a rudimentary idea of the entrance and a few of the front rooms, but nothing more." She smirked. "You said you wanted to fight them head on right? Then I don't suppose we need to know exactly what it looks like if we're going to blow it to pieces." A few aids were busy moving crates of explosives onto a truck. Objectively, it wasn't a large amount, but it would be enough to cause chaos and punch a whole in their defenses. "Noice!" Sharlin said, finishing the last of the sandwich and licking her fingers. "My sister's brother is in there too, we gonna get him out." She wiped her hands off rather on ceremoniously on her white jacket.
  15. Nice! I really like a cinnamon raison bagel, toasted with cream cheese in the center.
  16. "Ommkah," She said, her mouth full of sandwich. "Yeah!" She swallowed her mouthful. "We're gonna rescue the tributes and everything! We're leaving in just a day or so."
  17. Your not gonna be in the next games at all? Just schedule stuff?
  18. He ignored the joke, and nodded. Benjamin was lead swiftly to talk to Sharlin, who was sitting at a table eating a sandwich. "Wassup, Who're You?"
  19. The village was surrounded by The House's camp. The white tents had a sanitary, hostile feel. A scout stopped Benjamin when he got close. "Who're you?" The scout asked, his voice expressionless. Sharanna nodded. All of her men saluted Adris. They continued on every possible preparation as the sun sank low, eaten up by the horizon. Suddenly, it was time. Her men formed ranks, awaiting the order to proceed. Sharanna stood, gazing at the dark sky on more time. "Let it begin . . ." she whispered. "Let us find rest." And with that, the march began. @Spark of Hope @The Bookwyrm
  20. A soldier moved a dusty old chair to the center of the building's large open floor. Sharanna sat down primly, making sure dust didn't get on her white jacket (Nevermind the blood splattered all over it from the fight). "Well, there were around a dozen of us there for your street fight, but I have a larger force of men on their way here at this moment. Half of my people are indisposed on another mission." An aid came and took her dueling canes, ducking into a side room that was probably the armory. "We've plenty of weapons for you to use, feel free to help yourself," She waved in the direction the aid had gone. "As for timing . . ." Sharanna glanced out the door, as the windows had been boarded up, at the dusky sky. "Why don't we wait for night to fall properly? We could use the cover of darkness." Sharlin helped plan the preparations. The House forces that had come with her set up a camp near the village as they finalized the documents and messengers were sent. Tents came up in neat, militaristic lines. The soldiers didn't speak to the people, though they did pool resources, weapons and rations with them. Sharlin watched this discussion, overhearing while dealing with the village leaders at the same time. She hoped the girl--a few years older then her, but much less experienced--would get to come. Sharlin knew all too well what it was like not to be able to do anything, kept locked away because of age. In the end, everyone had to do what was needed to survive. Even children. She hoped that girl got her chance. Sharlin touched the patch on her shoulder. She'd never forget the chance she'd been given. And how much fun it was to finally do something.
  21. They journey to the capital. Sharanna leads them to the old, rundown warehouse on the outskirts of the city. It looks like at some point the McDonald family had tried investing in transportation facilities, but it fell through. Now, the building is an empty, dusty husk that no one had bothered to demolish. Perfect for their purposes. A few of her men lit lanterns, and started moving the debris and leftover furniture out of their way.
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