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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Welcome to the Shard!!! As a veteran, our Hunger games RP's are always super fun. I'd love to see you in our next one! The current one is meant to finish around the middle to end of August, and a new one should start up soon after. Each game is inspired by a Branden Sanderson work, and includes magic systems and worldbuilding from the chosen book. I recommend Mistborn to start when it come to Brandon (as most people would). You can really start anywhere, but the cool thing about Brandon is he makes references to his other works in later books. The Stormlight Archive and some of his latest books like Tress of Emerald Sea are full of fun easter eggs. Do you like bagels? If so what kind? (Don't take the cookie).
  2. Absolutely no one:

    The comment section of every fantasy book recommendation video on the internet: READ PERCY JACKSON READ PERCY JACKSON PERCY JACKSON PERCY JACKSON READ IT READ PERCY JACKSON I'M BEGGING YOU

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I read Eragon once in middle school I think. It was alright, pretty basic I guess. My parents pointed out to me (because they had read it as well) that it was just the plot of the first Star Wars movie but medieval fantasy, and I can't really unsee that lol.

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm


      It's definitely not a bad series, just tropey.

      Nothing wrong with tropes if you do then right. 

      But there is much out there that's better than Eragon.

    4. Slowswift


      @The Bookwyrm Cruel to Percy Jackson. PJO holds up, imho, while Eragon doesn't.

      Also, most things are derivative, it's just about how skilled you are in the retelling. (If you think Tolkien or Lucas were wholly original, you've got another thing coming.)

  3. Okay!! I just know you've been busy with life stuff here and there.
  4. The entire beast trembles, and a few more chunks fall down. It's little more then a caving-in skeleton at this point. Kurtis slams his blade down on another one of it's limbs, and it breaks off. "It's almost done I'd think!"
  5. Eddie do you need help running things? I worry that your overwhelmed without help.
  6. Ooooh that's an interesting thought! I've never used glue to block out areas, just tape. Thanks for your thoughts!
  7. We're about to start working on the climax and resolution, so yeah it's ending. I think Eddie said she wanted to finish things by the end of August. It will hopefully be more active now that we're pushing the conflict a little. Currently though, undecided on exactly how to end it. After it's done, there might be a small break, and then signups for the next one should open.
  8. You have excellent taste!! (those are my favorites too lol)
  9. Oh yeah, I finished The Hunger Games!! I really liked it, it was good.

    After spending several months struggling through one wordy '70's fantasy or another reading modern YA is honestly such a breeze. I read the whole thing in like, 3 days. It's refreshing honestly ^_^

    It did really make me miss my old dead HG oc's though . . . Rue reminded me a lot of Sharpo.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      AH OKAY


    3. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      Rue was your first character? Cool! (She is missed…)

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Yup! Insanity Clinic S1 was my first time RPing ever.

      (I might come back with her…at some point…)

  10. Welcome to the Shard!! (and thanks for stopping by my thread btw) Have a bagel! They're much better then those weird cookies. Do you like bagels? Have a favorite kind?
  11. I did do that actually lol, and touched it up with some white paint. (you can see that the shoes are masked up in the pics of the first post). Trust me, it would look much worse if I hadn't. Unfortunately, because of the way the fabric fits into the sole, it's impossible to get a perfect line. Without spending hours on it--which I might do if this was for someone else, but I'm just making these for myself. In the end, I don't really care that much lol. It's a a handmade piece so there's nothing wrong with it looking handmade, in my mind. Plus, you can't really see it from afar. I did forget to touch up the vinyl around the ankle though, but I'll get to it! Fortunately, I know from the last pair I made that the paint will rub off the sole I as I use them, so it should look a little cleaner with some use.
  12. Sharp closed his eyes in frustration as the transition took place. Now situated on a floating stone disk, he didn't open them as things proceeded. It was a brutal tactic. He wished that had been his first thought. First, deep down, the heartless part of him realized how perfect this was. How perfect for him it would be. The structure of duels meant that he couldn't be overwhelmed by more then one opponent--the main thing he struggled with in combat. Sharp would just have to fight one person at a time, his strength against theirs. A lifetime of combat training and drills left that deep heartless part of him confident. The other kids weren't soldiers. Perhaps it was prideful, but he truly believed he could win with this set up. The gambling complicated things but he could deal with that. He had breaths to spare. Dougella's breaths. That brought him back. To the cruelty, to the horror. He's have to kill people on that stone arena. He'd have to watch people he'd trusted die and murder each other. And he knew he wouldn't be pared with someone he didn't know. If Tinker and Mare were anything to go off of, he'd be pared with the one person who'd stayed with him when he'd lost Kryn. The person who'd foolishly given him all her breaths at the worst possible moment. Could he kill her? Could he bring himself to do something so terrible. The deep part of him cried out. Your being forced to do it. Your father needs you to do it. You need you to do it. Sharp had promised himself he'd win. Not because he wanted to survive, not because he wanted to see his home and family again. No, this was bigger than that. He was destined for this. If his father was right, born for it, even. And yet. He found himself instinctively opening his eyes and glancing around at the others. So many of them he'd almost call friends. Who did he have without Kryn? His absent sister? His demented father? How could he kill the first people he'd come to trust in his life that weren't family? Sharp took a shaky breath. He couldn't see anyway to win here. Not the Games, he could probably win those. But it wouldn't really be a victory. "I . . . I bet on Mare." Might as well just get it over with.
  13. I have caught up on all my notifs

    now I can waste away on a youtube rabbit hole in peace.

  14. It's dodge is slow, and large chunk of it's torso falls to the ground with a crack.
  15. "You want me to make like, a portal or something?" He asked, perplexed. It wasn't out of his realm, but it would be complicated to move the whole group.
  16. "Uh . . . " "Okay." He hides the fact that Vall's disappearance is quite shocking. He moves off so that he doesn't run into the two monsters again, and settles down to organize the food Vall had given him.
  19. I'm back, and this time with less of a hot mess!! I finished the first shoe! My mom saw it and told me I had to 'share it on that Sanderson site' so here I am lol (she didn't know I already made a thread). Alrighty, here it is! Is it super glowy and over the top? Yes. I think it's sick. I'm really happy with it, and overall it only took around 3-4 hours to do. Just one more to go!
  20. what

    what's jm doing here

    that little troublemaker

  21. Aki watched them move away. "If your certain will have enough to eat," he replied with a sigh, "Then I guess it isn't worth our time." He hated the loose ends, but it wasn't their biggest concern at the moment.
  22. Thanks! Oh, and yeah they'll be one pair of shoes, with each one being different. I guess I should have clarified that they won't really be 'matching' be any means--though I will make sure they like nice together. My first pair i worked on didn't match either.
  23. Hi!! It's been a while since I popped into this forum. Around a year ago, I painted some custom shoes that were Loz themed (I made an SU about it, if your curious you can see it here). I really enjoyed doing it, and now that those shoes are completely worn out I'm going to do it again! This time, I'll make it Cosmere themed! The Cosmere has a ton of symbols to capitalize on, so I've been planning this for a while. I thought It'd been fun to make a thread on my progress as I work on them, so I can share it with you all! (also to motivate myself to get it done because I really need to finish this before the semester starts lol) I've been asked before, so I'll mention that the white canvas shoes I'm using to paint on can be found at Walmart (at least in my area). As for paint I'm not using fabric paint though I probably should . . . last time, I just used my acrylics and it ended up being waterproof enough. If your thinking of doing this I should mention that the acrylic can chip off with wear and tear, but it's pretty slow and easy to patch up. Okay, time for progress photos!! Don't get too excited, I'm not very far in yet lol . . . So far, I've sketched the designs in, and masked both shoes. I also started the background for the second shoe. Shoe #1 This one will have the Cosmere logo on the toe, and on the heel I've added the symbol for the Selish system used in Arcanum Unbounded. I thought It'd be a fun detail. I plan on doing a blue gradient for the background, with lighter blue at the front and darker blue/purple around the back. Shoe #2 It looks pretty awful but it's in the ugly stages I promise . . . On the toe we have the symbol for the knights radiant/the rosharen system. I've started adding the background colour so I've painted over parts of it and it looks very scrunkly. Don't worry, it'll be symmetrical later. I plan on adding the Scradrian symbol on the side, but the sketch got painted over so you can't see it yet. Obviously, this one's going to be red that goes to purple. I think as I go I'll shift the gradient back a little--it's too purple at the moment. I'm really hoping that that the blue/red pallete won't be too spiderman . . . we'll see what happens I suppose. A final picture with a different angle: I will hopefully be back with updates soon! (and hopefully it'll look less like a hot mess lol).
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