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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Welcome to the shard! Don't eat the cookie. Could I instead interest you with a bagel? (Do you like bagels? If so what kind?)
  2. @LightRinger (if your still up for doing this)
  3. (D20: 19) Aki dodges successfully, jumping and landing in a near by tree. He'd done significant damage already, taking it down from here won't be too difficult. He launches himself from the tree, with a powerful down-swing aimed again at the bears head.
  4. The hammer flys away into the woods, disappearing into the bramble. The tail hits pretty hard, and Wyldri would probably need a moment or so to recover. "I'll try!" Kurtis jumps up and slams his blade into the beasts middle torso, hoping to get it to crumble. The impact causes a shiver to run through the whole beast and the cracks in it's stone body grow exponentially. It doesn't fall yet unfortunately, and Kurtis is left with a somewhat bent blade. The creature stumbles here and there, struggling to get it's bearings. It's heavy footsteps make the surrounding plants wiggle, and large chunks of stone fall from it's body. It was at it's weakest yet.
  5. I'm doing this to improve my typing and because I'm bored <<< 3 (EDIT: It literally took 50 minutes lol what am I doing with my life) Stormfather, by Janny Wurts (Edit #2: spoilered for length and a few plot spoilers)
  6. Read the first few chapters of the Hunger games last night and I'm enjoying it so far. I think it's the first book I've read that's in present tense, which I find a little weird (It actually reminds of reading online rp posts lol), but I'm starting to get used to it.

    It does feel pretty wild though because I'm reading the source material for what is essentially fanfiction I've been writing here in the rp's for months.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Slowswift


      I've read The Hunger Games a couple times and was surprised at how much I genuinely loved it.* (In a way that no other YA dystopian series managed, no less.)

      *Except for the ending. I thought the ending was awful. Maybe that was the point, but goodness, both times I read it I was massively dissatisfied.

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Yes, I was under the impression that a lot of YA dystopia novels that followed HG weren't nearly as good. (I did actually try Divergent once . . . it was certainly fun to laugh at).

    4. Slowswift


      I read Divergent, thought "that was interesting", and never felt an iota of a desire to pick up the sequels.

  7. "Alrighty." Sharp said, getting up and turning to Roy. "I guess it's time to go!" He started walking toward the building. @RoyalBeeMage
  8. Like the ancient hero's of old completing tests of strength to display their prowess, each night I face a wave of depression that lasts exactly 30 minutes and then when it's over I feel 1.5x better then before. Wild.

    1. BlueWildRye


      So in under a year you'll be over 100x better than you were today. Wild indeed.

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Keep holding on. It won’t last forever, I promise. 

    3. Just a Silvereye

      Just a Silvereye

      Just what Eddie said.

      You are strong, to be able to face this. So please, be strong for a little longer. For us. And then, at some point, the sun will shine. I don't know when, or if it will get worse before, but it will get better.


      (And actually, in a year you'll feel 1.5^365 times better, which is 1.9×10^64, or 19 billions of billions of billions of billions of billions of billions of billions, or 19000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. )

  9. The true enigma of modern society is the 'skeeto truck

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      In my town 😭 it comes every year 😭


    3. Cinnamon


      Woah that's crazy

    4. Cash67


      Can confirm that the skeeter truck is real. 

      Has gone through my neighborhood basically once per year. Somehow there are still mosquitoes though

  10. looolll If we are the same, then a portion of HG has just been me talking to myself lol That also raises the question, why haven't I rigged things in my favour?
  11. Ah, gotchya. I'll admit though, as a writer I prefer writing dialogue to action scenes, so one again I don't mind it. I get where you're coming from though.
  12. Hey, in our defense, we've got a lot more players and a lot more complicated arena's since Twinborn. There was no backstory or gm drama in Twinborn, so little to no plot. I think it's natural for them to get longer as the rp grows and get's more nuanced. Plus, the 'middle' of the rp has always been the slowest part, so it feels natural. I personally don't mind the slowness, it's certainly easier for to keep up with . Maybe it's just me, but I feel like shard Rp's are faster these days. I hate to 'back in my day' everybody, but I feel like Rp's here used to be slower. What I'm trying to say is, the current rate for Cosmere hg feels normal to me. I would argue it's about survival . . . hence your motivation is to stay alive so there's competition. But I digress. Don't worry about it Eddie, we love you!
  13. Huh, well I guess we'll see if I like it or not lol
  14. Maybe Eddie and I are secretly the same person, we just have 2 accounts to mess with you lol
  15. Happps birth!!!!!! 

    1. WhyEverNot_8


      Thank you, JM!

  16. Ah, thank you so much for clarifying! I was unsure what the exact rules were, hence why I tried to remain neutral in my first post (I hope that came across). I'll keep this in mind for the future!
  17. I finally got a copy of the first actual Hunger Games book from library today! I'm finally gonna read it and educate myself on how all this is meant to work lol all of the other books I want to read have been unavailable for months and I'm only a little bit bitter about it
  18. "It's the only resource we have that's of value to them in there, so I think this will be using it well." "Thank you. Seriously, I appreciate it." (Sharp now has 1300 breaths) "Oh . . . okay." Sharp had thought he'd come, seeing as the casino was his idea. "So . . . just me and Roy then." @RoyalBeeMage
  19. "I might end up loosing them . . . are you fine with that?"
  20. "Alright." He turned to Connor, "Your coming too right?" @WhyEverNot_8
  21. Quote

    Random jm thought #5 (I think we're on 5?)

    *throws book*







    --this has been a psa by jam--

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Oh my

      Yes, mm, I see how that could be extremely frustrating...

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      It was . . . 😅

      I had to rethink his relationships with all the other characters because of the age gap . . . (thankfully I didn't actually ship him with anyone)

    4. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      That's... good that you didn't...

      Dang that sounds so annoying though

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