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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Right . . ." Sharp said, not sure why she was emphasizing words. "I'm going in, who's coming with?"
  2. Lol, I'm glad you like it! Those doodles in that first post were done so long ago . . .
  3. "I'm going in too, out of curiosity mostly."
  4. Feelin depressed because there's a roadblock to achieving my goals, and to get past that roadblock I need money, and to get money I need a job, but I stopped job hunting because I felt too depressed.


    Gonna go watch a 40 minute video essay on how to use tumblr because I have the computer literacy of an 80 year old woman.

    Everything's fine a vaguely stuffy and disappointing way. I think it might have to do with the fact that it's like 80 degrees in my house right now and I think I'm dehydrated (Hint: I'm always dehydrated). The sun is way too bright, in my humble opinion. That thing should have a dark mode for us chronically online folk. Oh wait.

    I feel like, really motivated to achieve my dreams but also not so I just sit there. Not achieving them. But really wanting too. 


    I'm kind of bored but in a restless way. My skeleton may be hatching, my bones are like, doing the thing where they need to be shaky? But I'm not shaking they just want to be shaky.

    I don't actually know what to do with my life but it is what it is I guess.

    Okay I'm going to go drink water.

    Drink water guys.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Or, more eloquently, “look not too long in the face of the fire, oh man,”

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      @Slowswifti have heard that! and I try to remind myself that often

      . . . this su was at 6 pm though lol

    4. Slowswift


      Whoops lol

  5. Sharp crouched down next to her and put a hand on her shoulder, having overheard. Not good at 'reading the room,' he unintentionally ruined their romantic moment. "It'll be alright! I'm sure that . . . uh, Lucky would want you to keep your head up and keep trying!" @Edema Rue
  6. It's actually incredible how, when I'm upset or in a bad mood, my mom will give me a piece of 'advice' that is not only heart shattering but makes me feel a million times worse. Granted, I'm really sensitive. Her intentions couldn't be more innocent, she wants to help. And yet, I feel awful.
  7. I can and will watch so many videos on how to write things and then daydream about writing said things, but not every actually write anything.

  8. "You want to wait outside here while we go in?" He asked, not sure why she'd sat down.
  9. "Oh, nice. I'm not really good at card games so I'll probably be no help at gambling." "Whatever we have to trade in there, you loose us right? We'll always be your friends!" He gave her a big, cheesy smile.
  10. "I didn't really play a game there . . . I just bought the coat for an obscene amount of breaths."
  11. "Yeah so we should steer clear of him when we get there."
  12. Cause I want to play a PC lol . . . maybe someday. I have been here since the very beginning.
  13. "I don't know man, but his teeth were messed up."
  14. "That's true. The one guy with dental issues creeped me out."
  15. Speaking of colours, you could have some areas devoid of colour to create obstacles that make it so players can't use breaths. Idk just a thought.
  16. "It's fitting is it not?" He smirked lightheartedly. "I don't mind, the guy in there sort of cheated me out of my breaths but I did get a cool coat for it!" "Sure." He pulled the bundle of dry-ish vines from his pocket and handed it to Roy. "They're not great, but at least they're edible.
  17. He grimaced, whatever discomfort Roy caused him, this made it worse. At least it wasn't really directed at him. "I've still got some spore vines, if you want."
  18. He thought about it. He did want Roy to leave, but he also hated making a potential enemy. ". . ." "That's fine with me, I guess." "Alright! It would be cool to eat something that isn't those spore vines."
  19. Nice!! The armors layers look really great
  20. "I did. And I decided you weren't safe."
  21. Hmmm I really hate to be that person but in the past, the shard has had a fairly strict 'no AI art' policy for posts like this (do to it's unethical means). I've never heard whether or not that policy has changed, so if it has that's my bad. I'm not entirely sure if this is alright or not, because the generated images aren't directly in your post (at the very least, I'd mention it's AI somewhere in the post, but that may just be me). Just something to consider for the future, if you weren't aware.
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