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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. August tilts his head to the side, dodging it without looking up from the bag. "Surely a successful business man such as yourself could come up with something, I did your accounting! I know your not destitute. At the very least, you owe me wages!"
  2. August started sorting through Julys bag, looking for a weapon. Forgetfully, he'd left his own sword by his horse. "Excuses, excuses." July replied. "You should have fixed things, made them better. You had every chance." While he spoke, July moved through the mob, coming up by Jolane. Slowly placing himself between her and Robert. He just needed to separate them.
  3. "Because it was your building, your business. Why didn't you take precautions for this sort of thing? Why did you build your tavern out of extremely flammable materials? You could have prevented this, and you didn't." July wasn't actually particularly mad, but he knew this would prevent Robert from running away, and it might give him a chance to separate Jolane from him.
  4. He chuckled, and his expression darkened. "So . . . your just going to leave this mess? How irresponsible. You haven't payed me everything you owe me, and I think I deserve compensation for the terrible working conditions today," He waved a hand at the burning building. "Not to mention, that's not even getting started on all of the lost property your customers probably had in there. I managed to get my stuff out, but that isn't true for everyone. Who's going to compensate them, huh?"
  5. July caught the stuff, watching intently. "Do you . . . want any help?" August asked, turning away from Arke. "Oh! Hey Robert!" July walked up to them, Ma'tani's stuff still over his shoulder. "What's your plan now? How can I help?" He asked enthusiastically.
  6. I was so tired and unawake this morning that I forgot that gummy bears aren't fruit snacks.

    Me at 6:45 am : . . . oh I have fruit snacks in my room, I'll take them and it'll be a healthy snack for later.


  7. Nera sat down on one of the plush sofa's, hoping she wouldn't get dust on it, and trying not to think about how muddy her boots were. She hated tall-men seating, he legs were always too short to touch the floor. It was very hard to get people to take you seriously when you had to sit like a child. One of the adventurers was indeed, someone who Alvar recognized. They don't seem to notice, or recognize him, however. @Dragonheir
  8. "No, Ma'Tani's handling it fine on her own."
  9. "Then unlearn it for heavens sake! That is not healthy."
  10. "Uhh did Ma'Tani get them?" He turned to the easterner. @The Bookwyrm August gives him a very stern look. "Oh . . ." July said as Arke reappears
  11. "No you can't just--please don't murder anyone," August said, with his best 'parenting' voice. "Yeah, I wasn't really paying attention but that witch hunter guy came back and dropped a torch. It's a good thing you were out."
  12. "Murder is a bit much, don't you think?" August replied. "There you are!" July exclaimed. "The tavern caught on fire!!"
  13. August gives him a weird look, clearly not understanding. "No, not at all," July said, concern creeping into his voice. "She wasn't in her room?" "She wasn't upstairs when I went," August added.
  14. August was there when they got out. "Are you alright?" He asked July as he handed him his pack. Even though the younger man was untouched except for a little ash on his clothes, he looked deeply worried. "I'm fine . . . I think everyone made it out alright."
  15. July grabs his hand and pulls him out of the building after him. He didn't have any more time to wait around.
  16. July ran up to him. "No use in saving the building now, get out okay buddy?"
  17. "HOLY--" "I'll get our stuff," August said, smoothly standing from a nearby table and going up the stairs. July turned his attention to the patrons of the tavern, guiding people out and trying to avoid chaos. Hopefully everyone could get out in time. As the last tavern-bum was herded out, he turned back to the burning building. "Robert?" He yelled. - - - Meanwhile, August got July's pack from his room for him, and then went to his own room. It was untouched expect for his fine jacket thrown over a chair. He shrugged it on, before jumping out the room's window as well.
  18. "Exactly!" Penn was doing his best to be enthusiastic for the others even though he was just as confused. "I'm sure what we do next though."
  19. "Okay!!" @TheRavenHasLanded "Sleeper we got the thing for the thing!"
  20. "Oh! Well, you don't need to be! He might be a little rough around the edges but he's super nice and super cool and he's my best friend! We can totally trust him."
  21. wow

    all these scholarship opportunities sure are neat


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      I know what I want to study right now. I've known for a few years.

      Not I just need to get into a specific college...

    3. Just a Silvereye

      Just a Silvereye

      I still don't really know what I want to study, and I've been studying for years lol

      You'll do fine girl

    4. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      I think I’m still figuring it out, but I have an idea I’m pretty sure is it

  22. "Okay!" He got his apron and tray. "I'll get started." "Uuum I'm not actually sure on the plan . . . Robert's pretty tight lipped." July glanced at August, and then back at Ma'tani innocently. "What do you mean? Of course he'll help us, this is August we're talking about."
  23. July got up and changed quickly, heading downstairs to look for Robert and start his work for the day. August was still sitting at a table in common room. A half-downed drink sat by his hand on the table, and he seemed lost in thought. By all appearances he'd sat there all night, or at least he'd stayed up the latest and woke the earliest.
  24. Cursing, Aki dives out of the way as the rocks start to fall. "Why didn't I bring my bow?" All he had was his Katana and his hunting knife. Neither would be great as a throwing weapon, and he couldn't really jump at the eagles because they'd have more maneuverability in the air.
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