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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. ". . . we don't really have much of plan. Ideas?"


    That's it that's the su

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. WhyEverNot_8


      Oooooooooooooh das cool

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Hey Magi come to con next year okay?

      Because if I miss getting a ticket again I will literally offer my soul in trade on eBay for one

      So come and we can meet and it’ll be epic (last year I only met guy sharders and every single one was so much taller than me lol)

    4. Cinnamon


      He said it was going to move around each year so I am PRAYING that the next 'world' they decide to hop to is in my hemisphere at least, preferably my country and ideally my state. 🥲 

  3. Sharp felt cold anger rise inside him, but he tried his best to push it down. Roy wasn't the source of that anger, even if he'd reawakened it. He knew should sympathize with him. "Listen, that's horrible, and I'm so sorry that happened to you but . . . We all have stories like that. The games took volunteers this year, but that doesn't mean we want to be here. We were each forced into this for one reason or another, just the way you were." He didn't share his own story. This wasn't the time for that. "I'm not trying to write off what happened, I'm just saying . . . you don't see me attacking people. Even when it's in my best interest, believe me." He sighed, knowing how preachy he sounded. Hating how he sounded like him. "I guess I'm just trying to say that . . . I understand your reasons, but that doesn't change the fact that you aren't safe for my teammates to be around." "And . . . and maybe later you won't be safe around me. I'm not threatening you, I'm just saying that's how this game works. That's all." Sharp had no idea if he'd misunderstood, or even made things worse. He was terrible with people. But he'd said his piece and that was good enough for him.
  4. Ahhhhhh noooo . . . I'm actually here for a new release and I have to decide whether to wait or not . . . What's a girl to do . . .
  5. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. What about Nalthis/ Awkener games? It could be cool to have the arena set in a place like the court of the gods place in the books, so it's in this temple-like buildings? Idk
  7. "Exactly," Sharp said, turning to Roy, "You attacked one of our friends, how are we supposed to know you won't do it again?"
  8. "But it's cute." "Nice! What's your name? I'm Sharp."
  9. "This is what I'm talking about!!" "I agree." "Sooo . . . you not going to attack us?"
  10. "That's exactly what someone who's secretly dating would say."
  11. "Well, we'll find out!" He said, trying to be optimistic.
  12. "We could take them, right?"
  13. @Edema Rue O MY GOODNESS ITS ONE OF YOUR FELLOWS You can . . . .. . . . .. But you shouldn't . . . . . Stranger danger and all that. Welcome to the Shard! I don't remember the exact quote, but I remember loving Hoids monologue at the end of Oathbringer. As an artist I really loved the discussion on art and it's purpose. Do you like bagels? If so, what kind? Do you want a bagel?
  14. Happps birth!!

  15. He shrugged. "Spore boy " "We'll have to fight someone eventually, we won't make it out of this without conflict."
  16. Ah, no yeah they're assembled.
  17. "Uh . . . over there is spore boy," He said, pointing, "The lady here is spore boy's girlfriend, that guy over there is Conner I think? And then there's Roy but he attacked one of us so we're not friends with him."
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