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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "I . . . did you want me to say more? I thought we'd try and call truce before introductions." He seemed genuinely confused at her annoyance. "We won't." Sharp said, coming closer. "We need to work together if we want to survive this."
  2. "It's alright," He said, his voice lowered so just she could hear. "Just stay calm." "Right . . ." Sharp said glancing at Roy. "We were allies awhile ago . . . I understand things may have changed, but we wondered if we're still good?" After a minute he added, "Oh, and Dougella's nice, so you don't need to worry about her, I promise."
  3. "I'm. Holding. My. Own." Kurtis painted as he slashed at stone limb after stone limb. A lot of the loose material on the beast had crumbled away, at this point, leaving the harder stone sections. A few crumbled away, but the better part remained solid.
  4. "Hmm," Aki mumbles to himself. "Maybe we could eat both of them . . ." He nodded. He fell into a solid stance as the bear drew closer. With a deep breath, he tapped into his Ki reserve letting it flow through him and settle in his legs. Lighting fast, he ran at the bear while drawing his Katana. He slashed the creature as he passed it, skidding to a stop on it's other side.
  5. Remember how I said I wouldn't be back till Saturday . . ?


    Turns out that camping was just too much for my anxiety so I had to come home early. I knew it would be a challenge for me, and I thought I could push through but it didn't work out. No worries though, now that I'm home I feel a lot better.

    It is kinda awkward though because I told everyone I was going to be gone but . . . oh well.

    Have a good night ;)

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      We're glad you feel better, at least. No shame in it.

    2. J. Magi
  6. "Yeah, I suspected they wouldn't be far." He said, squinting through the darkness to see Tinker, Marewill and Roy on the horizon. "Hey!" Sharp called, when they were within earshot. "Remember me? Are we still allies?"
  7. He continues to approach. He nodded. They were trying to find an animal to eat weren't they? It was a little big, but there's no reason it wouldn't be edible.
  8. Skill level is not what makes your art beautiful, I think.

    Like, make dumb stuff it'll be fun.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      It applies to everything, probably.

    3. Cash67


      It definitely applies to music

    4. Through The Living Glass
  9. Hey everyone, I'm going camping for the rest of the week, and won't be back till Saturday.

    Have fun! Don't blow up the Shard please!!

    Remember to eat bananas to keep the pharmacists away!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      . . . .

      I'm waiting

      . . . 

    3. Cinnamon


      the chaotic energy of the SU is just the right amount.

    4. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass





  10. The sword hits the paw, and half of it crumbles away. Agitated, a different limb swoops down on him--this one more dog-like. Kurtis did his best to cut off some of the other limbs while the beast was distracted, but not all of them crumbled away easily.
  11. "Yeah." He started walking in the direction of the casino, hoping they'd be in the area. @Spark of Hope @The Bookwyrm
  12. The stone slips, and the paw slams into the ground next to Arranis. Without missing a beat, it made use of being low to the ground, and swiped at his legs, trying to trip him.
  13. "Yeah, I want to have as many alliances as I can get. But at the end of the day, I've spent more time with you and trust you more then her. We should stick together if things with them go south."
  14. The stone paw hits the sword with a clang, and pebbles fly from the impact. It presses down, trying to break the lock with it's strenght. Sand and pebbles fly off of the best, but it doesn't dissolve completely. The structure is weakened however, and cracks begin to show. The sand forms a dust cloud which, on top of the mist makes it extremely hard to see. It's difficult to breath as well. The tail makes another swipe and Wyldri, and it's clear that her flying is confusing whatever it is.
  15. Thank you, I think I really needed to hear that. I don't know what I'd do without the wonderful people here, you always help me feel like I'm not alone
  16. He does, as Aki wasn't trying to sneak up on him. The telepathy shocks him, but he'd experienced weirder things. A dire bear? It could be worse. He drew his sword and approached cautiously, trying to sneak up on the bear.
  17. "Alright! I'm not sure when we'll be near a kitchen next though."
  18. Random JM though #3:

    Shakespeare would be immune to the challenge of crossword puzzles because he would just make up his own words to fit in the boxes.

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue



    2. J. Magi
  19. It's sinks into the sandy mass easily, but the creature is less then bothered. "I-I've never seen anything like it!" Kurtis exclaims. He brought his sword down on one of it's it's limbs, and it cracked off with some effort. Agitated even more, the creature screeched again, and reformed the limb it has lost out of dirt from the jungle floor. It swung a bear-like stone paw at Arranis @Scars of Hathsin.
  20. She blushes, flattered by how much everyone liked her cookies. "I suppose I'll have to make more sometime." The bag of them was almost empty.
  21. 723. Passionately hate mayo, but like sauces that have mayo in them, confusing everyone In your vicinity.
  22. Thanks, hearing that helped a little I think. Thank you
  23. "Ummm cookie materials? Like flour and sugar and eggs?" Ari shrugged. "It's not a special recipe."
  24. The shadow slithers back awkwardly. The limb hit with wind oldy dissolves a little on impact--as if it were made of sand. It slinks out of the deep mist, now fully agitated, and you can get a good look at it. It was long and snake like, but with several limbs of other animals attached to the side. At First, it seems to have a human face, but as it moves closer you can see it's head is a monkey. The entire creature was made of sandstone and dirt, as if someone has ripped up a bunch of animal statues and then jumbled them back together. It screeched intimidatingly, and swung it's heavy tail at Wyldri, trying to knock her over. @BlueWildRye
  25. Aki saw him from bellow and decided to follow, unaware of the 'bear.'
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