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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Thanks . . . Hey and, if she does attack you I'll protect you okay?"
  2. I'm so terrified of being a bad person. It feels like if I don't make everyone perfectly happy then something is deeply wrong with me. Subconsciously I feel like I'm not allowed to be human if I don't perfectly become what people want me to be. And I know that's not true. I've heard all the inspirational quotes that are supposed to make me think better of myself, but that doesn't make me feel any different. That doesn't stop me from being terrified of peoples disapproval with every fiber of my being. I wish I could be less sensitive, and I try really hard not to be, but at the end of the day I still feel awful.
  3. "Maybe it's because we're trapped in a murder game? Where you have to kill people to survive? You were tied up, but you were a stranger and that scared her. Threatening you might've been wrong, but it is understandable." He sighed. "I . . . understand if your not comfortable working with her."
  4. Comforted by the familiar colour, Aki gathered as many as he could. He hoped the similarity to potatoes where he came from meant they were edible. Standing, he looked around for the others to see if they needed help.
  5. "I slept alright, I guess." He wondered if he should tell her about the nightmare he had had, but decided against it. It would probably just seem weird to her. "Honestly, I don't remember . . . but when she sees we're all friends I'm sure she'll understand. She probably only threatened you because she was scared."
  6. "Ummmmmmm." He rubbed his hands together. "Exciting! Probably. What am I meant to do again?"
  7. Aki nods, and goes in another direction, making sure not to loose track of the others. Aki notices the potatoes, and gathers several. He'd grown up on and around farmland, and was familiar with the shape. Aki ignored the voices. He didn't really believe in a gods, so it wasn't his problem.
  8. "Sure!" "I made them myself actually!" "Why, thank you!"
  9. "We should get moving again." Sharp said as he destroyed the firepit, hoping to not leave evidence they had been there. "I think we should go looking for some of the others I allied with on the first night, it was some girl and her boyfriend I think? Maybe they can help us."
  10. "You do realize that I'm here on the job right? If we started a major forest fire I would absolutely get reported . . . I would probably loose my job, not to mention my reputation." "I agree, we have jungles on my planet but they're warm and . . ." Kurtis glanced into the thick mist and shivered, "Not spooky." The screeches slowly got closer, using the mist as cover, it was impossible to tell exactly where they were coming from. Then, the noises died down and the screeching stopped. The jungle held it's breath. A large shadow in the mist rose up behind Roy ( @RoyalBeeMage) and came crashing down.
  11. lil sylphrena I doodled this morning:




    1. Slowswift



  12. He shruggs. "We're probably better off finding an animal to kill and eat, seeing as we have no way of telling what plants are poisonous.
  13. "Okay . . . . . . . want a pastry?"
  14. "It would probably get out of hand really quickly . . . it could spread to natural areas or even the town we just came from. Seems like too much of a risk."
  15. "Uh . . . yes." He pulls his hood down. "Probably."
  16. My HG activity: (it happens every time guys)
  17. Welcome to the shard!! Reading orders can be stressful and complicated, but I wouldn't worry. I started with WoK as well, and it turned out alright! Do you like bagels? If so what kind?
  18. Welcome to the shard!! Cookies are overdone and overrated. You should have a bagel instead!! Do you like bagels? If so what kind?
  19. Kiz slipped in through the front door, covered in an old patched up cloak. He glanced nervously at the counter, not sure if he was in the right place or not.
  20. Sharp woke with a jolt, realizing he had horribley overslept. The past day or so had been emotionally and physically exhausting. Waking up, and willing himself to keep going took more energy than he would've liked. The campfire had long since burnt out, and [I don't actually know what time of day it is]. He turned to Dougella, wondering if she'd woken yet or not. @Scars of Hathsin
  21. Aki purposefully ignores that comment about teaching, hoping Val would forget about it. He tried to forget it himself. Teaching Ki techniques . . . he wouldn't dare. "It's my experience that guns are made for killing people, not lighting fires--I wouldn't call it a design flaw." He pulled a tinderbox out of his pocket. "Here, if your trying to light a fire. I was already travelling when I ran into you, so I have some basics."
  22. "Of course, I'm sorry." Ari said, trying to repair things.
  23. "Hmm, we're probably around 5-8 miles from the coast. So we're not far, but it will take us a lot longer if we have to cut our way through the jungle for the whole trip." Kurtis said, continuing to hack at the woods to create a path. As the sun rose, animal noises could be heard more often--most of them alien or unrecognizable. Wyldri recognizes the horrible screech she heard above the treetops a few times.
  24. "I can sense Ki, however not if the individual hides--which many do. I suppose you don't hide your aura because it isn't exactly Ki, and therefore there's no reason to hide it." He thought for a moment. "I didn't sense anything when the light appeared--but that would make sense. The light itself isn't a person, and if there were a powerful individual using Ki behind it, they'd of course know how to hide it.
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