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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "No." He said, as if it were perfectly obvious.
  2. Aki narrows his eyes. "I disagree, magic is not a 'catch all term,' at least not where I come from. I am not a sorcorer, nor am I a priest. My power is not magic--it is simply the use and construction of the inner muscle that is my soul. Personally, I don't believe in magic." He seems adamant about this.
  3. "Inner life force, the cultivation of which leads to power and martial prowess."
  4. "They do . . . just slowly." He wasn't really sure how to explain it--it's not as though he really understood how it worked anyway. "Magic?" He asked flatly. "Ki has nothing to do with magic."
  5. Awe man, that's too bad. *hands you a magic gluten free bagel that tastes normal* (Yesss everything bagels are great, especially if you want to do a sandwich).
  6. A fighter-plane flew over my house this morning and it was so loud it jump scared my brother and made me think something massive was falling on us lol.

    Anyway, happy fourth of the July!!

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      N y o o o o m m m

  7. As a brunette who isn't extremely involved in whatever cult stuff is going on at the moment--welcome!! Do you like bagels? If so what kind? (Unlike that cookie, my bagels don't have any suspicious contracts attached).
  8. Thanks! Your good lol--I'll try and jump into the RP sometime today.
  9. Aki finds it unnerving, and tries to ignore it. "Perhaps they are just the kind that move on their own? I heard somewhere plants can move, just slowly."
  10. "Sorry sorry sorry sorry I'll drop it," She mumbled, a bit red.
  11. Aki glances around. It wasn't unlike the dense forests of his home, though he didn't really recognize the plant types. "Oh uh . . . hello." He ignores the hand and gives a short bow. "You have . . . a very powerful Ki reserve."
  12. "But he obviously isn't a brick," She whispered back.
  13. "Well, your the expert, not me," He said with a chuckle.
  14. yellowish brown Oooooo okay there we go
  15. "I was trying to make it better . . ." She mumbled.
  16. "Oh but I'm sure he's really nice!"
  17. Well . . . I thought I knew but now I'm not sure lol Are you one of those smart people who graduated early?
  18. @TwinSouls is my character all right?
  19. Kurtis shrugged, he didn't really understand this sort of thing. "Maybe it's cursed or something." "It's hard to imagine one person behind this whole jungle, but I suppose it's possible."
  20. Aki shrugs. He glances at the newcomer, but doesn't introduce himself. "Oh no . . . not again."
  21. "Perhaps . . . it doesn't run in the family?" Ari asked, perplexed.
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