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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. ;/


    I am alive

    1. LightRinger
    2. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Mm, alive is one of my favorite things to be.

  2. I finally had a successful job interview!

    They're going to call me tomorrow about whether I got the job or not!


    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi


    3. Slowswift


      Woo-hoo! Good luck!

  3. "I-that is a lovely name, but I think I'll pass."
  4. "I'm good," She said, waving her hand, "It's not really my style anyway."
  5. "That's what I'm saying." "Oh . . . nice."
  6. "My home country, a large isle east of the mainland."
  7. "I just said they're not the best weapon, I have other stuff far better." "Those are expensive . . ."
  8. "Japan. I've never heard of 'Tribelands' is it some western place?"
  9. "Ohhh that makes sense." She shifted her bag against her shoulder. "I've never been a fan of handbags though, they can't carry nearly enough stuff."
  10. "Ah, same as us." Aki decided it would be good to get some sort of info. "Where are you from?"
  11. "I guess it does . . . though I'm not sure why you'd need a brick--it's not the best weapon."
  12. "I'm got a bludgeon, does that count?"
  13. "Hmmm, lots of normal travel stuff, my journals, some smaller weapons, nothing very interesting." She grimaced. "I am in fact not carrying makeup, I'm not even wearing any." She gestured at her face, which was somewhat plain, with a few small scars on her nose.
  14. "Okay!" She get's her bag, and follows.
  15. "Sure! We're still working on the vines down here."
  16. "Okay! . . . Where are we going?"
  17. hmmmmmm should I do the stuff I'm supposed to or should I make memes . . . . hmmmmm

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LightRinger


      Hey, I’m not going to tell you to shirk your responsibilities.


      So you should fulfill the responsibility to make memes for us. 


    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I ended up watching tv instead 🥲 I've failed everyone even  myself lol

    4. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass


      *meme chanting intensifies*

  18. Aki jumps are hearing the voice. "What . . ." "Why would they leave though? It's strange that it's completely empty."
  19. "Do you live here? We can't find any locals."
  20. Lol 7 year old me would have told you it's because Chris is hotter, but I realize that's pretty subjective.
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