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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Hey that's sick! Pretty uncommon where I come from."
  2. "Sooo . . . what now?" Sharp asked, glancing at Krin.
  3. 545. Be completely on the fence about everything and never being sure what your opinion is
  4. She laughed. "It is what it is . . . I suppose I could learn if I really tried, but it just doesn't seem worth it at this point."
  5. "I'm just not smart enough to learn a magic system," Ari admitted bashfully.
  6. Sharp settled down on a nearby rock to wait.
  7. He sighed, and handed her half of the ones he'd picked.
  8. "I don't have powers," Ari explained, "I fight without them."
  9. "Some animals are not meant to be domesticated," Sharp insisted. @Scars of Hathsin He glanced at the sky. "It'll start getting dark soon, we need to find somewhere to make camp."
  10. Ah, thanks. I think I heard that somewhere, but I wasn't sure if it was meant to be more than just that video.
  11. "You don't know that for sure . . ." He said, approaching nervously.
  12. "No it wasn't . . . it wasn't a . . . challenge . . ." "If you get hurt from that thing I don't really know first aid," Sharp warned.
  13. Did we ever 100% figure out what the whole '163' thing was? Was it really for the new secret project or is still a mystery?
  14. "That seems unrealistic, we'd have to completely tame and it and find a why to fasten reigns and a saddle . . . I'd rather have a hot meal."
  15. "Maybe," He says fingering the stuff in his pocket. "But not in a powder form and certainly not in a edible alloy." "So . . . is the plan to try and eat it?" "Ah crap . . ." He runs after it.
  16. Weird thought from JM #2-

    Harry Potter house quizzes are so funny because they're just like:

    You have free time on the weekend, what do you do?


    2-Care for plants and make cookies and be nice to people


    4-murder someone

    It's so subtle I love it.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      (well this little kid


      uses them all the time.

      my soul is fine, i'm sure.)

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      (Hey, this little kid


      Does too!!


      With pleasure!


      My soul is lovely thanks for asking)

    4. J. Magi
  17. Point #1: As Mistborn moves into Era 3 and 4, it'll be closer to our own modern culture.

    Point #2: Furry conventions are a part of modern culture.

    Point #3: Tensoon is a furry.

    Thinking real important thoughts tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I mean, yeah...


    3. AonEne


      I think seeing kandra furries would be potentially really cool actually, though knowing Brandon he might focus more on the humor of it. 

      Also just remembered that AoN has Bestarin aethers, so furries kind of already exist. 👀

    4. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Oh yeah...I forgot about those guys.

      I can see Kandra becoming more and more of a unique species that would have people like that as time goes on. Maybe different cultures of Kandra emerging in the space age, and some choosing to focus on animal traits.

  18. "Can't you make the other end tie itself to something so it doesn't get away?" @Scars of Hathsin
  19. Ah yes.


    The time when I relentlessly feel like an icky horrible person for doing absolutely nothing all day but that some how isn't enough to get me to do something . . .

    1. LightRinger


      It’s like I always say: “It would be a shame to waste a beautiful day like this by being outside or doing something.”

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      hehe yeah lol

  20. "Well . . . it doesn't look immediately dangerous. Could you tie it up with awakened vines?" "Uh . . . the couple ran off this morning and I couldn't find them . . . Dougella's nice so don't attack her. I haven't really run into anyone else yet." He eyes the coins in his hand warily.
  21. "NO WE SHOULDN'T--" He watched her run off long-sufferingly. Reluctantly he ran after her.
  22. "A cool creature that would attack us." Sharp replied, pocketing the berries.
  23. "Huh . . . " He says, studying the berries to see if they're edible @Edema Rue "I hope whatever animal it is isn't dangerous . . ."
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