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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Don't mind me messing with my pfp a jillion times until I settle on one I like . . . 

    (Also holy cow 2k rep!)


    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      This ones kinda silly but I like how summery it feels lol

  2. 387. Ninja-ing before anyone can explain what it means to Vyz
  3. 382. Not knowing how to do the running gag so you just sit there awkwardly
  4. hahahah unfortunately the joke is on you, my dear associate for I have already lost the game and therefore feel no loss at thy summons.
  5. "No idea, I've never seen anything like it."

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Thanks! I'm glad things were alright.

      The restaurant is called 'Raising Canes' I have no idea if it's just a local thing or not, and I've never eaten there--but hey they liked my resume lol.

    3. InfiniteInsanity


      Ooh! They have really good bread there.

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Good to know!

  7. 363. Still recognize the person who keeps changing their forum name because their pfp is still the same
  8. 355. get stuck in the past because SOMEONE went back in time (lol)
  9. 353. Forget about this thread for several weeks and then rudely come back unanounced.
  10. Spoiler


    Anyway, I applied for a few more jobs. My mom's a bit worried that it might make it difficult to girls camp in a month if I've just started a job . . . I really want to go this year, considering it'll be my last year to go (though, with were my birthday ends up I'll be 18 right before next summer, so they might let me come anyway if I ask). But, I'm trying to stay optimistic that I can do both, and it'll be fine . . .

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      1-You got this Eddie! I'm cheering for you!


      ...You're older than I thought you were for some reason.

      hehehe I will remain an ageless enigma

      ( . . . I really don't feel as old as I am good grief)

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      ...Except now I know exactly how old you are.

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi


      no you don't

  11. "One time my dad tried to make eggplant soup . . . He's a terrible cook." Sharp said with a chuckle.
  12. "I've had worse . . ." He said as he starting cutting off vines with his knife. He bundled them up and put them in his pocket for later.
  13. "Well at least it's something." Sharp goes over to one spot of vines, left over from the spore-fall last night, and breaks off a piece. "Ish nah bahd," He mumbles after shoving it in his mouth.
  14. "I . . . don't really know where I'm going . . . I guess we need food." Sharp was pretty hungry, he hadn't eaten anything since entering the arena. "Have you seen any wild berries or anything?"
  15. "Some people are just jumpy-er there's nothing wrong with that . . ." He glanced around there surroundings, trying to keep track of where they were while they moved.
  16. "H-how am I supposed to know if he has voices in his head? I don't know know why he get's startled easily but in my opinion, he doesn't need a reason."
  17. "No--nothing is wrong with him! He just get's startled easily."
  18. "It's okay my dude, I think we're friends now?"
  19. (If) When Sleeper reaches out to connect with the forest, he feels nothing. It's as if the plants don't have any soul matter to connect too, something that should be impossible.
  20. ooooooof 

    I can't sleep

  21. "Thanks but . . . you've known me for like 5 minutes."
  22. "Oh, you think so? Thanks." Sharp watches the dog move around with fascination. He'd never been able to do something so complex with Breaths.
  23. "Oh . . . that's a . . . I'm sorry about that. I didn't really have many friends besides Krin when I was child."
  24. "Huh, I went there too and bought a jacket, then made some allies after that . . . well I guess Krin and I were already friends."
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