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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. @The Bookwyrm @Spark of Hope
  2. "Dunno, it doesn't taste like fruit or anything though." Kurtis's face immediately lit up. "General Arikus is my father! Have you met him?" --the second watch is about half way over--
  3. honestly I was just shortening it for speed purposes and forgot about roy. It was also late at night lol, and I was pretty brain dead yesterday.
  4. Penn stares at him like he's speaking another language. "I don't think that . . ." "We should keep moving."
  5. As someone who started with stormlight, I can confirm that it'll work out lol Welcome to the Shard! Do you like bagels?
  6. "Unfortunately that isn't an option for me," he said with a sigh, "I'm a bit of a special case I guess."
  7. Yes! Like bee mage said, we started it the Rp and it's called 'Marina's Echo' now.
  8. "That's true!" Kurtis leaned forward conspiringly, "Back on Hajuk (Haki home planet) they told us these demon witches that live in the south, they totally kidnap babies and stuff--at least, that's what I heard."
  9. "I would get it if you did man, this is a safe space." He reached into his belt and pulled out a small vile of thick black liquid. "I drink weird stuff too--it's a serum that makes me really strong and fast, not sure what it's made of though." --this is the 'Haki juice' mentioned in the worldbuilding doc (no I don't have a name for it yet)--
  10. Kurtis blinked in confusion. "I don't really know what a vampire is, it just sounds cool!"
  11. "But you just said . . ." Kurtis ran a hand through his hair, trying to understand. "Oh, of course, your not a vampire." He said with a large smile and a wink. It didn't really occur to him that vampires were the sort of thing he was meant to report, he was too focused on the idea of meeting someone so interesting.
  12. Kurtis blinks at him, still half asleep. "Your a vampire . . . ? That's cool . . . ." He notices Wyldri for the first time. "Who're you?" @BlueWildRye
  13. Sharp continued running, pulling Krin behind him by the wrist. He had no idea where he was going, he simply did his best to avoid debris and hazards as he ran.
  14. yaaaaaaaay hayfever season is soooo fun

    There is more pressure in my nose then there is at the bottom of the ocean.

  15. Kurtis jumped awake at being poked. "What's happening?" He glanced around taking in the forest surroundings, not registering the new comer.
  16. Sharp dodged out of the way as well, using the extra time Tinker created with his vines to grab Krin and pull him out of the tangle vines. He dashed after the others pulling a half awake Krin behind him. "What was that?!" He yelled, to no one in particular
  17. "It's a simple matter of ripping it into pieces for one thing or another . . . eventually there's nothing left!" He said cheerfully.
  18. "Flemr is a sick name, super unique! I'm Sharp." Sharp ignored it.
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