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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. hmmmmmmmmmmm I might impulsively cut off all my hair

    1. SmilingPanda19
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      yes sir palpatine sir

  2. "Well, I don't have a soul, so placing my spirit back in my body was extra hard." "Right, right," He mumbled getting up and brushing himself off.
  3. "Um . . ." Sharp moved over to sit next to him. "I don't remember if you told me your name?"
  4. Pen's soul is unidentifiable, and Roy can't find it. After several long minutes, Penn finally wakes up, his hair fading back to black. "Sorry . . . that was a lot harder then I thought it'd be . . ."
  5. Kurtis continued to chew thoughtfully for a while. "Alright, I think I'll settle down for the night if that's alright, wake me when it's my turn." @Scars of Hathsin @TheRavenHasLanded @RoyalBeeMage @witsthebest
  6. @The Bookwyrm @Spark of Hope
  7. One time, my friend explained to me that she loved the sound of my voice. I had never thought about how I sound, and had at the very least never seen it as a good quality. And yet, she went on and on about how soothing I sounded, how my voice was like fluffy clouds and blue skies. People see beauty in parts of you that you haven't even considered yet! This was lovely panda!
  8. "That is true!" "Yeah, unless you brought something!" Kurtis was on his second bar thing and was enjoying it thoroughly.
  9. "You can't just--" Sharp sighs. "Alright, but one strike and I'll tie you up again . . . this time with awakened vines of my own."
  10. The real question is, can I learn how to be highly proficient at ten key in around a week and a half, or do I need to apply for a different job . . .

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      uuuuhuh . . .

      This thing:




    3. Scars of Hathsin

      Scars of Hathsin

      I think that is possible, good luck :)

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Thanks for the luck, but I honestly think it'll be easier to apply for a job I'm more qualified for

  11. "So do I! It's one of my favorites!" He doesn't notice they're expression.
  12. It tastes like, and has the consistency of sand. "Do you like it?" Kurtis asked enthusiastically.
  13. "Okay . . ." Sharp didn't object as he watched him go. Krin was still asleep, but Sharp decided he had gotten enough. He sat up and looked around regaining his senses. "Nope." Sharp said with a shrug. "Damn . . ." Sharp mumbled as the canon went off. "Took longer than I expected." He watched as Marewell ran off. He wondered briefly if she would ditch them entirely. Sharp stood and moved over to him. Might as well try and make friends with his allies right? "Hey . . . I'm Sharp, what's your name? You might've already told me but I forgot . . ." He sat next to Tinker.
  14. "A ration," Kurtis said immediately, ". . . I have no idea what it's made of though," he added after some thought.
  15. AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

    I did it . . . 

    I applied for a job . . .

    I'm so nervous

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Oh, I remember the anxiety of that process vividly...

      Where'd you apply?

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      A warehouse that processes used books for re-selling. I hope it's not to hard on my weak nerd body . . . but there isn't any customer service which is a plus.

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      ...I wish my job had no customer service.

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