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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Oh! I can finally do something with all of the pictures I have that are good photographs but aren't strong enough for painting refrence! I might find a few more later!
  2. More than any other time of the year, I think summer is the most reflective time for me, when it comes to my life and where I'm going. Maybe, because the western school system has hard-wired my brain to see this as the end of the year, and not january.

    Summer is a special time because for a student, it's set apart from the year. While I may not remember what I did every November for the past few years, I do remember what I did in every June. Maybe, because the world is more alive--with plants and blue skys--it makes me feel more alive, and so I remember it better. Grey snowy days all blur together, somberness making them obsolete to each other. Each new summer day is like a vibrant painting of blue and green and the flowers that come and go only add to the memorability. 

    Today is the first day of summer, and I pulled out the sketchbook I had been using exactly 1 year ago. I can remember drawing a certain picture immediately after I got home from the last day of school. The year before that, I remember laying on the couch staring at the ceiling and thinking the same things I'm writing now. In middle school, I came home from the school carnival (the last day) and changed into a specific shirt. I still remember how the fabric felt, and how relaxing it was to feel the cool air on my skin. 

    This year, summer snuck up on me. Generally, the oct. to feb. period of time becomes a long slog of mundane. But this year, ACT prep kept me extremely busy throughout that time, and I didn't feel boredom start to set in, as I always had before. Then, the only thing that mattered was the test in March, hanging over me. Now, that's been done for a few months. Now, it's summer. A summer I didn't spend months pining over. 

    If, as I mentioned earlier, summer is the end of an old year, and the beginning of new one, then it is also a time of change. I feel as though I remain stagnant throughout school months, but my biggest self changes occur during the break. It's now, when I've finished another year, that I truly realize I am growing older. Even if the shadows of the trees on the street are exactly the same as they've always been. 

    It's every summer, that I convince myself the next school year I will be better and do better, even if it doesn't really happen. It's every summer that I realize I want more than what I have. 

    Yesterday, the last day, my friend drove me home from school. (The day had an open ended schedule after noon, so you could stay or leave whenever you wanted). Getting a ride home from school might not seem much, but it made me realize something.

    I'm not a very independent person. I only leave the house for school or with my parents. I spend all my free time in my room alone. I do the same exact thing, day after day, year after year. There's nothing wrong with those things, but I'm finding for the first time in my life, I want to be independent. I wish I could go out and do things and talk to people more often. 

    I'm growing older, which means I'm taking a lot of big new steps. I'm in that awkward stage when I'm still a child but I have to pretend I'm an adult so I can kickstart my life. I have to do so many things that terrify me. But for the first time, I want to do them.

    I want to learn to drive, so I can have a similar freedom as my friend. I want to work and make my own money, and learn about things. I want to pick a career. I want to talk to new people.

    I've spent all (school) year being terrified of these things. For one reason or another, but mostly because change is scary. My whole life, I've floated on the edge of change, wanting things to be different one way or another, but never actually having the courage to change things. But now that summer has started--my time for reflection and my time for change, it doesn't feel so bad.

    Right now, it feels natural.

    Every next step is only a step, and someday I'll be on my own and have so much freedom. I want to experience and do so many things, and I'm going to do it. Tonight I'm planning on applying for my first job (hopefully I can get hired lol). I'm planning on reworking my schedule so I can take driver's ed next year. I've decided what I want to do the first few years after graduation.

    Maybe, I'm the only one who has my 'january epiphany' as I'll call it, in summer. That being said, I don't think there's ever a set time to re-invent ourselves, it's continuous. I hope I can continue to have this courage, and I hope that this summer at least, I will find myself a little better than before.

    Sorry for rambling, I was just having a lot of thoughts today.

    I'm so grateful for this place. Thank you all for being my window to the world that always felt so far away <<<3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Oh thank you! I've never hear the song, I'll go listen to it!

    3. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      That was beautiful, JM.

    4. J. Magi
  3. Sharp starts awake, he had fallen asleep next to Krin. "We're just . . . sleeping . . . cause it's night time." He mumbled.
  4. Penn's spirit gave no reply, it wasn't visible or detectable in anyway. It watched quietly.
  5. Retconn: Before attempting to sleep, Sharp grabs some sturdy vines and ties Dougella up.
  6. "I heard that." Sharp mumbled, having awoken at the sound of their voices. Sharp mostly ignores his two new allies, it seemed their conversation was a private one anyway. The little ferret thing was odd but didn't seem dangerous, so he ignored at as well. He was good at ignoring things, like the guilt in his heart and the reason he was here. He stared up at the sky as he tried to fall back asleep. They were probably the same stars he could see from his home, but they felt different anyway. The yellow-brown fields of summer didn't make up the horizon, and there was no rickety mansion sitting proudly on it's hill. Krin wasn't sleeping next to him because they'd snuck out of the house to play under the moon. Sharp wondered if his ancestors had stared at the same sky, trapped in their own times. Had they been ready to die when they did? Sharp had thought he was, but staring at the stars of his childhood made him reconsider. Could he really do this? Was this really who he was? He'd always told Sharp he'd been made for the games, but Sharp couldn't have felt more out of place.
  7. "I won't kill an idle opponent." Shap replied, his eyes tired.
  8. "Oh man . . ." Says, watching her fall with a flinch unable to get up fast enough to help. "What should we do . . ?" He asked his teammates. @Spark of Hope @The Bookwyrm @TheRavenHasLanded
  9. "Oh yeah," Sharp said putting his knife away. "I forgot about your uh . . . fungi bits? Magic sand?"
  10. "Having trouble falling asleep?" Kurtis asked, finishing off the grey ration bar he'd been eating. "Want something to eat?" He offered Sosdor a grey inedible looking bar of his own.
  11. "Alright, but like I said, It will take me several minutes to get back in after you throw me." Penn sat down so his body wouldn't fall as he left it. You don't see his spirit leave, and he doesn't have a visible ghost. His black hair faded to white, for some reason, and his eyes glossed over.
  12. Sharp came back with his pile of firewood. "Let's get this fire started." He could feel the cold air on his face, though the coat kept him warm enough that it didn't bother him. He set up the sticks and lit it with some sparks from his knife. He wasn't worried about drawing attention--with a group this big it wasn't likely they'd get ambushed. Soon he had a small campfire made, in the general center of the area the group had settled down in. "Want the coat?"
  13. "Alright." Sharp got up and started gathering dry bits of wood.
  14. "R-right, we should try to settle down for the night." Sharp sat down, not sure what to do with himself. "Should we . . . try to make a fire?"
  15. "Where are you going?"
  16. "Yeah . . . a gross GM did some stuff," Sharp huffed as he jogged after Krin.
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