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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Sharp rolled his eyes, but didn't manage to hide his smile--it was a typical Krin joke. Sharp let go of Connor so he could move to the box, but stayed near in case something happened. He put his hand on the knife in his pocket.
  2. hello there folks

    I might not be as active today because it's checkout/yearbook day and I have to run around the school every 15 minutes lol . . .

  3. "Yeah . . . no meadows in this place." "Make sure to wake someone up for second watch!" Kurtis called after him as he walked away. He stuck his torch up-right in the ground and set his back down. After a few minutes, he had a campfire built and was pulling out some simple rations to nibble on. The area is extremely difficult and tedious to traverse, even in wolf form. Climbing through and around vines with several foot diameters surprisingly tiring.
  4. loololollolol this is so true tho. It might just be my experience but it feels like people only really start to die near the end.
  5. "Oh thanks!" "I think the idea of taking watches is so that everybody can get some sleep," Kurtis said with a chuckle as he hacked through vines that were make thicker around then previous ones. "If you stay up all night you'll have no energy for tomorrow!" Kurtis (and sleeper I assume) chopped through a final few vines, all thick enough to be tree branches. The road they had been following was all but completely gone. Suddenly, it occurred to Kurtis that they may have completely lost their way in the thicket. Either way, their first priority was rest--it'd been a long day. Past those last few vines was not quite a clearing, more like an open nook between vines and trees. "This is probably the best we'll find out here," he said, stopping and examining the open space.
  6. Sharp watches Krish run away, and doesn't move to follow. "I get the feeling he was just gonna leave eventually anyway . . ." Sharp was knee deep in the swamp and his arms were still gripping Connor (THOUGH THE COAT IS STILL FINE BECAUSE FASHION). ". . . aaaaaaaaaaaaaand he's gone." Sharp mumbled as he watched Krish near the casino. Sharp watched them debate over it in silence. He was trying to decide if he could take the new-comer without getting his coat dirty.
  7. Sharp continues to pull, holding Connor tightly so he doesn't slip away.
  8. *sigh*

    Just an hour left and then I can go home . . .


    also exactly 3.5 k posts! That's kinda cool


  9. Sharp curses and spots him, wading into the water himself (though he's careful not to get the coat wet--It's an expensive coat!). Sharp grabs Connor and tries to pull him free.
  10. "Don't try to eat it . . ." Sharp mumbled, wary.
  11. "Alright, let's go." Sharp took off, running away from the wall they had been hiding behind and counting on the others to follow him. He scanned the debris on the horizon as he went, looking for anywhere that would be reasonably safe.
  12. "I wouldn't have any idea," Sharp said with a chuckle. He turned to Connor and Kresh, "We're gonna try and go now, alright?" @WhyEverNot_8 @Lord Spirit
  13. Kurtis lets him go to the front of the group, holding the light for him. "We should find a place to make camp soon."
  14. Sharp smiled but replied, "You should save your light for healing and important stuff, plus there's four of us and we all won't fit on you."
  15. "Alright, make sure not to loose those dice Krin." He stood and glanced out from the side of the building. The entire starting area was in chaos. "Whether you stay or come with us up to you I guess," Sharp told Kresh.
  16. Nice! Pancakes and oatmeal are great too!
  17. "If we stay here, the ground could collapse, or those weird spore things might poison us . . ." Sharp clearly looked uncomfortable. "I'd rather look for a cave or some easier to climb high ground."
  18. Welcome to the Shard! Do you like bagels? If not, what's your favorite breakfast food?
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