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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Oh for sure, Krins fathers side of the family would've definitely accepted seeing as it's a similar situation to Kandy. I don't know if Sharp's father wouldn't be super happy about it though, he's a really strict person. (not evil though, we've been there and done that lol)
  2. "Yeah . . ." Sharp didn't meet his eyes. "It's just a casino full of hobo's and rip-off." Sharpo mumbled, "Any supplies they have their aren't worth the price." "Hmmm . . . yeah."
  3. Yes, not to mention they're a weird family to begin with I was thinking they could totally do a ton of messing around as younger kids, pulling pranks and stuff lol
  4. How long has it been since Krin started having powers? I just imagine him using them to cheat at games during family reunions lol
  5. @Edema Rue Sharp jumped a little. He'd forgotten Connor was there. "Okay . . . so our main goal should be getting some of those gem thingies."
  6. Sharp is 19, but still kinda baby-faced. I do imagine him taller than Krin though (Also yes, the Krin sled would be beautiful lol)
  7. Yeees (sorry we were making ice cream and my hands were busy)
  8. "Ooooh but you can't store it? You have to use it immediately." He had a thought, though it seemed outlandish. Sharp checked the pockets of his coat.
  9. He rolls his eyes, "Can you skip the gems and just take the light in directly?"
  10. He doesn't address the last comment. "So you need to stay out here to get the slipperys?"
  11. "No--Your not supposed to be here . . . I am." He pulled away from the hug, face grim. "They might be room inside there, you should go . . ." He pointed to the nearest door.
  12. "I DONT KNOW," Sharp yelled. "I don't . . ." His anger at Krin faded quickly, it always did. "You idiot . . ." He pulled him into a hug. "You absolute idiot . . ."
  13. "NO!" He yelled, immediately turning back to look at him. "It will hurt . . . and what do you really think will happen? Your body will sit here and you'll bleed to death anyway, or--if they do collect bodies--they'll discover your still alive and kill you."
  14. "I'm not going to stab you Krin . . ." Sharp looked away, so he couldn't see his face. "I can't . . ."
  15. "They're literally hosting a game where people murder each other for fame and money, I don't think the value of a human life is something important to them . . ." Sharp sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know what to do . . ."
  16. "The rules are probably waaay tighter now." He sighed. "This Game is meant to be bigger and more complicated than all the past ones . . . I highly doubt you could get out by just playing dead. Not to mention when my (several greats) Uncle got out and they discovered he was alive, they threw him in prison. Who's to say now a days they won't just kill you?"
  17. "Alright, if you think so." Sharp plopped down in the grass by the wall, hopefully the wind wouldn't throw them out from behind it. "Anyways, back to what I was saying--You shouldn't have come! It's way too dangerous . . ." He tried not to think about how this would probably end.
  18. Oooo nice! I've never had a strawberry bagel.
  19. "Gosh dang it." Pen mutters to himself. "Alright, now his body is over there . . . what next?"
  20. "Yeah but . . ." Sharp glances at the building again. "We're still mostly out in the open . . ."
  21. "Hi! Are you sure this will protect us enough?" He looked skeptically at the sheer walls.
  22. "OKAY!" Sharp turned and starting running towards Connor, pulling Krin behind him.
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