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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "SOMEWHERE." He grabbed Krin's arm and started running towards the trees, away from the storm. He scanned the area looking for a shelter.
  2. "WE'VE GOTTA RUN." @TheRavenHasLanded
  3. "Slippery? Oooh yeah, the storm thing."
  4. "Cool," He glanced at the surrounding jungle. "We should probably find-" "WE SHOULD PROBABLY FIND SOME SHELTER." "Uuuum no? Why do you need spheres?" He glanced back at the casino, still in sight from here. "SHOULD WE GO BACK?"
  5. Oh- Oh my goodness, that is me lol Anyways, welcome to the Shard!! Do you like bagels? Do you have a favorite kind?
  6. "How on earth are we going to do that?"
  7. "I'd be more than happy to duel you!" Ari volunteered enthusiastically. She set her tea cup down delicately, and reached under her chair where she'd left her bag.
  8. "Oooooh, I see! They didn't really include this kind of detail in my training." "I agree, though the idea of it being caused by a dragon gift is good too." "Uh . . . ." Kurtis pulled out his map. "We need to go south to the coast, so we can find a boat. Hopefully, we can get someone to sail us across to the southern continent. Maybe this jungle will thin out the closer we get to the sea."
  9. Hmmmm, what do you like to eat for breakfast?
  10. "I guess we better move on," Sharp said, unsure what else to do. @TheRavenHasLanded
  11. "Sure!" She hands it to him.
  12. "Hmmm . . ." She seemed absorbed by the tea, paying little attention to the battle near them. "It tastes like rosemary . . . unusual for tea."
  13. "The tea pot was just on the table when I got here," She curiously peered into her teacup.
  14. "Huh . . ." She gently moved him off of her lap, lifting him easily. "I don't recall where it came from."
  15. ". . . Still a no for me."
  16. "Hmmm," He thought about. Sharp didn't really see himself as a smart person, so it turned over slowly in his head. "I think that's . . . a really terrible deal, actually." He turned to Krinarl, "I'd rather take our chances on our own, what do you think?" @TheRavenHasLanded
  17. He hesitated at this. "What do you . . . propose?"
  18. "Too bad about those dentist bills," Sharp muttered, not in the mood to humor him. "Uh . . . Sharp." "Oh Krin . . ." Concern flashed across his normally casual expression. Sharp rolled his eyes. "Maybe some other time buddy."
  19. "I need you to brush your teeth."
  20. "NO . . . KRIN . . . THEY ABSOLUTELY WOULD." "Yeah I wouldn't trust him."
  21. "I trying to get something useful but . . ." He sighed. "This place is weird for sure." Sharp started walking towards the jungle, not wanting to waste time. "Also . . . YOU IDIOT WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE."
  22. J. Magi

    Ask jm Anything

    Oh whoops! Sorry I didn't see this sooner. Yep, it's still me, JM! I decided to shorten my username simply because I've gotten tired of it. I've been using the same on in different places online since middle school, and I just wasn't feeling it anymore. Most people here know me by 'jm' or 'magi' so I didn't want to change it completely. Hence the shortened version I have now.
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