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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Welcome to the Shard! Do you have a favorite kind of bagel?
  2. Sharp glanced back at the casino, wondering if he shouldn't be walking away just yet. But no, he'd already gotten something very useful--and he couldn't afford to stop moving. He could always come back later. Sharp opened the door he'd come through, and exited the building, glancing around for Krin. @TheRavenHasLanded
  3. Sharp had been prepared to give the classic transfer command, but it seemed unnecessary. "Sharp," He replied. "Thanks for the deal I guess . . ." He turns to leave the building, after pulling on the coat.
  4. She takes it a little stiffly, but it seems to brighten her mood a little. "This tea is wonderful! Any idea what flavor?"
  5. She simply nodded, and turned back to her tea stoney faced.
  6. "Yeah no, I don't trust you."
  7. "DON'T PROJECT." It was the first time she'd raised her voice. ". . . you have no idea." Ari's breath was shaky for a few moments before she regained control. "I apologize," She said, brushing some small, bead-like drops of blood off of her gown. "I find the older I get, the shorter my temper becomes."
  8. "FINE, WHATEVER. 400 it is . . ." "Oh no . . . I'm terrible at gambling."
  9. She turns to look at him, grey eyes cold. "That hurts." Her voice was expressionless. His blade evaporated.
  10. ". . . 200." "Your the most suspicious person I've ever seen." He said flatly.
  11. "Whatever do you mean?" She asked innocently, the previous look gone.
  12. Sharp couldn't stand it anymore. "Do you need something?" He asked with a glare at the man in the corner.
  13. Sharp continues to ignores him for now. "The damn nicest coat on the planet isn't worth 400 breaths," Sharp grumbled. "150." He offered.
  14. "Oh don't be silly! I don't want to die." A strange look came into her eyes, "I can't die . . " It was gone as fast as it had appeared.
  15. "As a mercenary, I'm sure you can understand." She took a delicate sip of her tea.
  16. "I'm perfectly fine!" She said with a smirk, hearing him despite the distance. "I just love a good fight."
  17. "Please?! It looks fun!"
  18. Ari watches the duel (?) with excitement. "Do I get to have a turn?"
  19. He shifts uncomfortably but ignores it.
  20. "For a coat? Come on, do you know how much these things are worth? I'd do 100 at most." Sharp eyes the man, but waits for now.
  21. "How many for the coat?" Sharp asks.
  22. "This is the strangest cafe I've ever been to . . ." Ari mumbled as she watched from the table.
  23. "Dunno . . . what d'ya want? I can do favors, I could give you a few breaths."
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