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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "No? Oh that's wonderful to hear. . . I'm sure he's fine then."
  2. "Oh good heavens no, I don't want him to die--that's awful! I'm just trying to find him, that's all." She thought for a moment. "He uses lots of names, so I'm not sure you'll know it. As for a description . . . An idiot? Wearing a yellow suit, more than likely."
  3. "Wonderful! I must ask, have you seen my husband any time recently?" "Hmmm yes." She seemed to be taking it all too seriously.
  4. "Oh!" Ari said, turning towards him, tea in hand. "Do you travel much?"
  5. "It must be very useful," Ari replied, thinking deeply as she poured herself a cup of tea.
  6. "Dang, and my watch broke too . . ." "Maybe they just need some . . . sir up?" "Not me . . . hopefully?"
  7. Ari shifts in her chair. "Sorry, I must've spaced out . . . what time is it?"
  8. "That's right." Kurtis said, subtly rolling his eyes.
  9. Kurtis gives him a flat stare. "It's a good thing you don't need to, huh?"
  10. Sharp thought for a moment. "Can I have your coat?" (I assume he's wearing like . . . a suit or something).
  11. Kurtis listens intently, trying to understand. "You people really think I'm that easy to take down?" Kurtis grinned. "Not to mention that my superiors would more than probably notice my disappearance and send men after you." He thought for a moment, then sighed. "But as I explained to Sleeper, we're all on the same side here. We gain nothing by trading threats." He glanced at the floor, not easily offended but clearly not calm either. "Is that a kind of . . . Aalma?" Kurtis asked, the foreign word clunky in his mouth.
  12. Sharp (VIII) glances at another tribute across the starting area. ( @TheRavenHasLanded ) Trying to send a signal with his head that they should run for the center. They could meet up in a minute, first he had to prioritize getting supplies. He ran up to the small building, hoping it wasn't a trap, and stepped inside.
  13. "MMmmmmh," Kurtis eyes him skeptically. "I'm not supposed to accept bribes . . ."
  14. "Well . . . for one thing we'd need confetti."
  15. "No . . . as an officer of the law I kind of have to . . ."
  16. "Hmmm good, I'm not sure how I'd use it."
  17. His forehead wrinkled. "I uh . . . I think I need to report you for that . . ." Kurtis glanced at the plants again and sighed. "But let's deal with this first."
  18. "Hmmmmmmm do you have a confetti canon?"
  19. "I can't really do that either . . . My powers are far more limited and delicate than they seem."
  20. Kurtis stared at him, obviously not understanding. "I thought all the dragons were gone though?"
  21. "Maybe, but that's not something *I* can do."
  22. "You can do weird magic right? So you must be a 'weird magic expert.'" He sighed. "Look, I don't know how any of this works.
  23. Alright . . . hmm, as for input: Do you have a plot in mind, or would it just be us messing around and occasionally using magic? It doesn't have to be complicated, but it can help to start from somewhere. Is the setting basic, high fantasy or are you thinking of a different time period/aesthetic?
  24. Ari blinks. "So that's what Sir up is . . ." She mumbled.
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