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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "That sounds . . . dangerous. Are we talking about Sleeper? Because I can only reconnect his soul to his body, I can't help if something goes wrong and he no longer has a body."
  2. "I don't know!" He glanced at their companions. "Do any of you people know if it's the work of your magicy stuff?" Kurtis was rather unfamiliar with it, as he'd only been on the planet for a short time. The stories he had heard were inconsistent and exaggerated. @TheRavenHasLanded @TwinSouls @Scars of Hathsin @witsthebest
  3. Does anyone just have . . . small section of memories that consists of 'Stuff my parent's said that, in hindsight, is an extremely weird/ illogical thing to say (and I'm 90% sure they weren't joking/ playing a trick on me), and kid me took it to heart and has never forgotten it'?

    Just me?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      I'm in the same boat as Why. 😂

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Thanks guys, lol . . . part of me wonders if I just don't remember the context for some things, but on the other hand it's still weird. Not to mention little kid was extremely gullible and took everything people told me at face value (metaphors were beyond me, lol)

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Mine is much more than a small section…

  4. "I'm positive that was the southern gate . . ." He grumbled as he hacked at the foliage some more, trying to clear a path.
  5. adskljfa;lasdjf that was a typo, I meant to say: It'd be hilarious too of course. lol I'll fix it
  6. The wig for sure looks bad, but consider that Elrond is in it and Elrond makes everything better. (lol)
  7. Yeah! It'd be hilarious too of course.
  8. I think in one of the newspaper graphics in Era 2 there's an ad for a Hero of Ages based play, but I'm thinking something on screen (of course) and covering more than just one book/world.
  9. I'm not sure how I want the final end to be, but we need an ember-island-players (It's an atla thing) style recap near the end of the series for sure lol.
  10. I have a few questions first: For the blessed, are they individuals or groups of people? Will we be playing blessed? Are the blessed the only ones capable of using the different 'liqueds?'
  11. "My husband and his family live there! It's so lovely in the spring, when the demons hide in the woods all night! Well . . . I suppose my husband isn't there right now, he and I both tend to wander. Sensing her presence, Ari turned to look, but said nothing when she didn't see her.
  12. "Oh?! You've been there? It's so wonderful is it not?" "Hmmmmm what is Sir up?"
  13. "They . . . . look very similar."
  14. "Hmmmm," She said, "We don't have those were I am from I think," "Well, I was born in AKLJDF:LKdlk;k (This is in Ari's native language, which is effectively written as keyboard smash), but I currently live in El-Saden now."
  15. "Ooooooh," She mumbled, turning red in embarrassment. "So sorry, It's a lovely name!"
  16. "Yep! But you shared your age, so I shared mine! " She smiled, sitting at the table with them and tucking her bag under the chair. "It's common to share info about yourself when meeting someone new!"
  17. "Hello, I'm 34,896!" (I know that's their name, but Ari misunderstood because this isn't her first language).
  18. "Sure, I had dinner a few hours ago but I could use a snack!" "I'm Amarinthine, but everyone calls me Ari."
  19. Ari waltzed into the room, a bag thrown over her shoulder and her coat over her arm. "Hello," She said, addressing the group even though they'd never met, "How are you?"
  20. The sounds of pillaging and battle faded as they got further away from the city--and the plants got thicker. After a few hours of walking, Kurtis had to pull out his sword and start slashing at vines. "This was not here when I came this way a few days ago," He mumbled.
  21. This looks amazing so far! Don't worry about getting it finished yet though, take your time!
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