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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Oh, Like you did?" Kurtis yells sarcastically. "How do I knock out somebody who's made of concrete?" He dodges another swing from his opponent, and then pushes his sword down on the thugs head. Like usual, it just bounces off.
  2. The thugs grunts again, but doesn't fight it--he knows he can't get up with Sleeper on top of him. Kurtis is locked in a duel with one of the other thugs. The Haki man used his relatively small size to doge between attacks, but was having the same luck as Sleeper when it came to attacking himself.
  3. The thug just grunts, struggling to stand. It seemed whatever made him so hard also made him ridiculously heavy.
  4. It doesn't go in either, but the blow is enough to topple the thug, who was already unbalanced.
  5. It clangs off dully and sparks fly. The thug is startled by Sleeper's roll through his legs, and stumbles back having a hard time keeping his balance.
  6. My homeroom teacher: Don't give up even though school is almost out! You can still improve your grades and work hard!

    Me, who gave up several weeks ago: Cool.

  7. Sleeper's foot hit's his chest but he doesn't stumble back. The thugs chest feels hard, though there's no metallic like before. The thug raises his club without hesitation and brings it down on Sleeper again, taking advantage of the fact that he was in close range for the kick.
  8. The club slams down into the cobbled street sending chips of rock and stone flying. He recovers somewhat quickly despite his massive size and twists to slam the club into Sleeper's side.
  9. "How was I supposed to know . . . neverminded." Kurtis mumbled. The largest of the thugs shifted a massive club in his hands, and then dove at Sleeper. A second one swung down at Kurtis, and he was forced to engage. The other two moved in to attack @TwinSouls @witsthebest @Scars of Hathsin
  10. Welcome to the Shard! Do you have a favorite kind of bagel?
  11. He picked up the pace and ran after him. "I've heard about raids like this, but I was always told it was the work of Southern Rebels. These bandits seem to have no affiliation with them though, the southerners are far more organized. "If we can make it out of the city without drawing their attention, we can hopefully continue with the quest as if nothing happened." Kurtis turned a corner, and then skidded to a stop. Unfortunately, he had run headfirst into more thugs. 4 this time, but these ones seemed a lot bigger than the ones at the tavern. They hard an odd red sash tied around their upper arm--also different from the other thugs. They turned immediately, hearing Kurtis as he approached. @TheRavenHasLanded @Scars of Hathsin @TwinSouls
  12. *chefs kiss* I always look forward to your massive plot heavy posts lotus Welcome to the Shard!
  13. buddy it was like reading a real novel, your writing is fantastic!
  14. Same! The introductions were so fun to read!
  15. Me, who up until a few months ago thought that the entire world had collectively agreed that the game ended when the Queen of England died:
  16. I'm looking for summer jobs and:



    Looks like I'm not qualified for this one lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi



      Now their just being mean lol

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *whispers* they’re

      No I feel that, my brother was trying to convince me to work 8 hours a day all summer in a call center and I would have actually died. Or killed someone. One of the two.

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      (lol I saw it but I was too lazy to fix it)

      Oof, call centers are rough, my brother used to work at one and hated it. I'm looking at a warehouse job were I hopefully won't have to talk to people. 

  17. Yeah, they're way faster if anything. . . . He asked us to read two different historical letters and then write about which one came first, but they were the vaguest thing I've ever read and it was so hard . . . I have no idea if I got them in the right order.
  18. Probably? I don't get to see the whole score immediately. I don't usually mind them but . . . the history ones are always harder because you actually have to remember stuff lol.
  19. We survived . . . .. . the essay questions were kinda wild though.
  20. huh, sucks that they want you to do all the work (I gtg take a test now oof)
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