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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Dang . . . does your teacher still grade it without work shown? Mine would throw a fit.
  2. They just asking for the answers? Honestly people . . .
  3. Yeah, having a computer helps. Hopefully the Shard makes it less depressing?
  4. I get that, sometimes I worry that we're being to loud--but we do try to whisper. Man that sucks . . . Sorry you have to deal with that sort of thing.
  5. Valid . . . my most boring class is probably marketing, I just goof off with my friend the whole time.
  6. MATH SUCKS (especially my math teacher . . . .)
  7. I believe I have tried in the past, but I'll guess again: (Light?) Brown hair that's curly and fluffy. Dark eyes and pale skin. Wears a lot of black/blue--probably polo shirts and jeans. You give me hoodies vibes as well . . .
  8. Eddie: "I'm not a nerd" Also Eddie: *Corrects my grammar*
  9. *Me, opening up this thread and desperately trying to figure out what's going on*
  10. 215. appearing out of thin air to interrupt you explaining it, like a poltergeist.
  11. "Yep," Kurtis said, turning down another side road. He didn't have the city memorized, but he did have a general idea of where everything was. "Hopefully we get out through the gates there without running into more thugs."
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