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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Yeah!" He readies his knife.
  2. "I dunno, have a garden . . . get a job doing something fun . . . You and Sharp'i can be friends! You can get ice cream together . . . for me."
  3. "You're . . . already dead, aren't you Jane." He mumbled as he stood to face her. "You've been gone for a long time." "YOU HAD BETTER NOT . . . >:("
  4. Sharpo had snuck up behind Jane while she had focused on Kaza. He stabbed her in the back as she tried to choke him.
  5. Nice lol (I just realized there's a grammar error on the last one . . . oh well).
  6. Alrighty here we go: @TheRavenHasLanded
  7. You manage to slide between metallic bits and slash him good in the elbow. Unfortunately, the thug doesn't seem to care and swings at Sleepers knees with a massive club.
  8. lol that's how I won Threnodite believe it or not aksdjflas It's a good thing that's on my reading list. I can make memes . . . what you thinking?
  9. Yay! That's good cause I already have a good idea for the next Sharp lol
  10. Here, at the back of the thugs leg, it was fleshy enough to cut. However the thug stumbled back at the slice and landed on top of Galdron. He was unnaturally heavy. The thug hulks after him, throwing the now grey table at Arranis to try and knock him down.
  11. Po scrambled back from the fight to catch his breath as she focused on Kaza.
  12. Oh no . . . I will always play a Sharp for hg, that's too much of a tradition for me to stop now lol. I'm pretty sure the gm's will let me play one as long as it's a completely new character.
  13. Your good! I'm sure you guys have a good reason!
  14. Well . . . not a new person for sure, he mostly just does stuff in the districts which was quite a bit of fun during Smedry. If not could we just say he goes off and lives his own life or whatever but no more rping with him? I can understand wanting a fresh start with characters or maybe some new lore makes old characters obsolete, but using characters from games in the background or vice versa (as well as making my characters connected) has been a really fun part of the games for me. Either way, I understand the need for changes and I'm perfectly okay with making new characters.
  15. It bounces off, once again with a metallic sound. The thugs all lurch to a stop, some falling to the ground, others freezing like statues. The door burst open, and more caped thugs trailed in, this time twice as many as before. The small inn's dining room was now extremely crowded. Kurtis jumped behind the bat looking for some immediate cover as a thug with a crossbow started firing into the chaos. "I dislike this . . ." He mumbled.
  16. Can I keep my no-longer-involved-in-immediate-plot characters like Sharp'i? I'm attached to my depressed little idiot.
  17. Po rolls to the side as he sees her lunge at him, hoping to avoid the brunt of her attack.
  18. Po had been crouching low to the ground, so when she pulled on his leg, he didn't fall far. He wrenched his knife sideways trying to deepen the wound he'd made.
  19. It makes a shallow slice on his forehead as he dodges back. He twists around to stab her in the side as she moves behind him.
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