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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. The man stumbles back and recovers inhumanly fast. His sword comes crashing down onto Sleeper again. A shorter thug moves up to him, swinging an axe at his head. The thugs movements are heavy and slow, but powerful. It's bounces off of his chest with another CLANG, barely piercing his skin. This one is slightly faster than the others, and moves to Sleepers side, stabbing with his own knife. Kurtis gawks at him. A dragon decedent? Weren't those all taken care of these days? He shook away his shock, and turned back to the thug he was facing. There was no time to think about it now. His sword also hits this man with a loud metallic sound, being deflected. For all they could tell, the men were made of metal. This thug doesn't stumble after being hit, his feet planted firmly, he swings at Arranis.
  2. Things I learned today: Mothman is not a Marvel super hero

  3. He manages to pull some scrap of strength together to roll out of the way, but his movements are too slow to completely dodge it. The knife slams into his right (no arm) shoulder instead of his chest. Po gasps loudly as the knife slices into him. The pain in his shoulder . . . the pain in his chest . . . the pain of his missing arm. It all faded into one, and somehow, faded away. Maybe it was adrenaline, maybe it was shock but either way, Po felt himself go numb. He couldn't lie down and die yet even though he was tired . . . there was more left for him to do. Po didn't feel it as the knife was pulled out of her shoulder. He struggled for a moment, feeling around for his own knife, and then finally gripping it with a hand slick with blood. The numbness grew as he forced himself upright, shifting clumsily into a crouch. With a deep breath, he shoved his knife into a stab at Janes leg, who was still directly in front of him. @Lotus Blossom
  4. Po felt like he was sinking in an odd way . . . he was so light headed.
  5. "I . . ." His vision was blurring again. He was so tired.
  6. The apple blossoms at my house rn:



    (Ignore how patchy the lawn is . . . .)


    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oooo they're gorgeous!! Only one of our apple trees has started blooming.

    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Those look so cool!

  7. Po grunts loudly, somehow the new pain pushed itself on top of everything else. His vision went blurry for a split second. Grimly, he took her hand and pulled her knife out of his chest. Would that be fatal? He could still breathe but . . . maybe he was in shock. He stumbled back and fall to his knees. He put a hand to his chest, trying to stop more bleeding. Po was so tired, everything hurt . . . but he couldn't die. Not yet. There was still so much to do. He turned to Del, staring at her bleeding out. She was going to die and he'd . . . he'd killed her. Somehow, it didn't freak him out as much as it should have. "Kaza . . . it'll be . . . I'll be . . ." He focused on taking deeps breaths, and forced himself not to think about dying.
  8. "I'll . . . I'll try."
  9. "You can't! Now, at the very end when it matters most, you can't. If you give in, then thousands of other people will have to go through what you've gone through . . . but if we keep fighting, maybe they won't have to! If we stay honorable, it says something, even if we die here."
  11. "DONT," He yells back. "DONT FORGET KAZA . . . I know it's hard but remembering can lead to improvement! Forgetting just sends you back down the same cycle, over and over again."
  12. The first one also falls to the ground. Sleeper's fist hits the second with a loud CLANG, and he doesn't seem to react. He swings his massive sword down on Sleeper's knife arm.
  13. It gashes into him and he winces. Ignoring the pain he thrusts his knife into her chest again. "Yes you can, I know you can."
  14. He falls to the ground with a thunk. The others seem to get over their shock and rush in on our group, weapons drawn.
  15. Po wiggles out of her grip, stumbling back from his own momentum. He steadied himself, and then slashed at her arm again.
  16. Welcome to the Shard! Do you have a favorite kind of bagel?
  17. He pulls his knife out with a jolt, and rolled to her side, not able to stay on top with only one arm. He swings again, going for her side.
  18. Sharpo immediately dives in on her, shoving his knife at her chest.
  19. The thugs are all wearing fabric masks, obscuring their expressions, but one growls at Sleeper's comment. The stare at Kurtis's group, at a sort of standstill, they seem surprised to see them there.
  20. She trips him, but he recovers without falling to the ground. The missing arm made it hard to balance, but his training saved him. He runs in, using the momentum from his stumble to carry him into close quarters again, He swung his knife at her leg. "NO. DAMN YOU, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY OF YOURSELF."
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