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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "I know you can take control Kaza, I know you can . . ." Using the shirt was a good idea though, so he did he best to start wrestling it off of him.
  2. J. Magi

    Ask jm Anything

    lol fun fact I'm the only gen z person in my household so whenever I use slang at home all my family members look at me like I'm insane
  3. "I don't have anything to tie you up with . . ." Po grabs his arms and pushes him to the ground (if Kaza allows him to). "You've got to stay in control."
  4. J. Magi

    Ask jm Anything

    That's impressive! One day I have to be really good at the game but . . . for now I'm still a coward lol
  5. "I am helping you," Po said, eyes sad. "You've just got to see it." He lounges back in, going for the already injured arm.
  6. J. Magi

    Ask jm Anything

    . . . . no Im really bad at video games lol, so I usually just avoid the hard stuff . . . . I think I've defeated a lynel once or twice, but usually I just give up lol
  7. "I want you to stop!" He yelled, pulling back to catch his breath. "I want you to go back to what you were . . ."
  8. He doesn't respond, pulling his knife out of the hand and moving to stab him again, switching at the last minute to go for his leg.
  9. A little shaken from the scream, Po swings the knife into the same arm again hoping to make use of the fact that they were still close.
  10. Welcome to the Shard!! Do you have a favorite kind of bagel?
  11. Po gasps and stumbles back, loosing his breath for a minute. He moves in a again and slams the knife down in Kaza's shoulder.
  12. "You are going to kill me." He said, pulling his blade free. "But maybe I can take you down with me." He twisted the knife rapidly, slicing at Kaza's arm, trying to sever it.
  13. He grunts and stumbles back, ignoring the added pain. This time he jabs at Kaza's neck, trying to end the fight before he was overwhelmed by his injuries.
  14. He flips up, not missing a beat. The loss of his arm was making things much harder, but he was lighter now and could move even faster. While he was still low, he lounged in to swipe at Kaza's stomach.
  15. "NO!" The word burst out of him like water from a broken dam. "YOU WILL FIGHT ME FIRST." He lunges at Kaza with his knife.
  16. Po takes a deliberate step forward, knife at the ready. "I won't loose you to yourself, I won't stand by and watch you kill someone." His words where quiet, spoken more for himself then for Kaza.
  17. Po stared at him. Unsurprised, even calm. "You've forgotten." He ripped what was left of his bag apart, using the last shreds of it as bandages for his gaping wound. He struggled to stand, as a wave of exhaustion and pain hit him, but forced himself up anyway. Po pulled out his knife. "Do you even hear yourself? I did not leave you--I'm right here. You've forgotten that." "Everyone forgets." There were tears in Po's eyes, though his face was still calm. "I care about you Kaza . . . your like family to me even though it's only been a few days." His face hardened, and he flipped the knife open in a smooth motion. "That's why I can't stand by and watch you kill out of bloodlust."
  18. "Shut up?" Po asked, some of the initial shock finally wearing off. "One of my arms just got blown off and you want me to shut up?!" He struggled to sit up, trying to get a look at his right shoulder.
  19. "Kaza . . . ?" He was so tired . . . He felt the grass around him with his remaining arm, trying to find him.
  20. "Kaza . . .?" Po mumbled, finally coming to. "Kaza are you there?" His vision was blurry and his ears were ringing. What had happened? He had just been in another place . . . what was it?
  21. I have no idea what's going on but how dare you
  22. Oh! I hit 3k posts a while ago, so Hoorayyy

    1. Experience
    2. Wittles


      That's a lot of words, Hooray!!

  23. Welcome to the Shard!! Do you have a favorite kind of bagel?
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