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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Going back to reading a more traditionally narrated book after reading the Silmarillion is a special kind of whiplash.

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I imagine it’s similar to reading the wheel of time then reading eragon directly after.

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      heheheh lol yeah 

  2. THAID WAIT maybe if we all just calm down and listen raven (the responsible one) things will be okay. yaaaaaaaaaaaay timezone buddies
  3. That is true . . . Our president Feanor would agree . . .
  4. Guys I know I got kidnapped but maybe war isn't the best option . . .
  5. A girl leaves for a few hours and all of a sudden things have escalated into a holy war
  6. "Sure!" She shows you out into the hallway. @TheRavenHasLanded
  7. Claud shrugged and turned back to his documents. Dert eyes her. "I suppose that's all we need for today." She ducks back into the office and returns with a packet. "This is an application form for the thing we discussed earlier, if your still interested," She said handing her the packet and winking.
  8. Claud gives you a weird look, something between disbelief and long-suffering. "Dert we're all done here," He called in a loud voice. She poked her head out of the office door. "Oh really? That was fast." "What did you expect? They went to public building and looked at some public books. Honestly, arresting them over this is a stretch--even for us." Dert rolled her eyes, smile never fading. "We check everything, Claud, everything." She left the office and approached their table. "One slip up on us could lead to the downfall of the entire government."
  9. Claud sighed. "Because, we needed to confirm that you weren't doing anything suspicious, and you just confirmed it for me." He stressed the last part through his teeth, warning her not to question further. "Besides," He whispered, "I'm not the one who brought you in." He glanced at the right hand wall, maybe that's were the invisible glass was.
  10. "Interesting," Claud said, sounding uninterested. "Well, this isn't really enough trouble to worry too much over . . ."
  11. "Yeah," He said sheepishly, "I don't like leaving house." "That's not a surprise," Claud said, looking up from his papers for the first time. "Though the report here says that you were looking at records from the current games, not the past ones your family was a part of."
  12. "That's not in my department," He said with a sigh. "Alright, could you guys give me a basic rundown of what you were doing at town hall?" "We just wanted to double check some of the records of past games," Sharp'i replied, "We had gotten talking about my . . . family history, and were curious about certain details."
  13. *distant and very faint screaming* GUYS THE GINGERS ARE HOLDING ME CAPTIVE AND THEY'RE GONNA SAC-
  14. Okaaaaaaaay I guess that's pretty cool.
  15. Your still holding me captive tho . . .
  16. Says the ones who are gonna sacrifice me smh
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