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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "That's pretty much all there is to it," He said with a shrug. "The ghosts ended up being nice, just a little confused, so they let me go-- oh, and Kaza got kidnapped for a little which was worrisome, but we both got out alright."
  2. "I got chained to a wall by ghosts yesterday, give me a break," He said, handing Kaza some bread. @TheRavenHasLanded
  3. "We have . . . stuff to do!" After a second of hesitation, Sharpo nods. He takes a piece for him and Kaza, but doesn't give Kaza his yet. He takes a small bite of his piece testing it.
  4. Random, night time thoughts:

    Please tell me it wasn't just my area that had the very important rule that if you haven't lost The Game by the time the queen of England dies, you win?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      The game is never over.

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      No, the game ends when the prime minister of England says “the game is up” on national tv.

    4. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm


      Mark my words.

      The game is never over.

  5. Hearing Jane rise, Sharpo got up himself. "Hey Kaza," he said, turning to shake his shoulders, "It's time to get up." @TheRavenHasLanded
  6. Sharpo let himself relax a little, after seeing her fall asleep. He drifted in and out of consciousness himself, but was never completely out all night. @Edema Rue
  7. "I'm not gonna stop you from sleeping," he mumbled, scooting away from her and closer to Kaza.
  8. "That's nice," Her smiled faded for the first time. "Unfortunately, your correct to assume I'm here because of him." Louis sighed loudly. "I'm sure whatever you think this young man has done--" "Oh don't worry Louis, I'm quite sure of this." Dert said, standing, "Though it's nothing serious, at least from what I'm aware. As always, I'm simply here to make sure things don't get out of hand." "You are Sharp'i McDonald, aren't you?" "Yes . . ." he replied nervously.
  9. Sharp'i blushed a little at being called her boyfriend. "He's your boyfriend?" Dert asked, "Fascinating, it must be hard keeping up a long distance relationship."
  10. "Your welcome, I'm always here to serve." But then her eyes shifted to Sharp'i. "Unfortunately, that isn't the reason for my visit today."
  11. "Alright . . ." He lay down next to the fire, feeling exhausted. He didn't want to fall asleep yet--he didn't trust Jane quite yet. But it was getting harder to stay awake. Running around a haunted mansion after walking several miles can really take it out of kid.
  12. "You don't need to be afraid dear," Dert said reassuringly, "the program has been completely successful--we haven't encountered any suspicious activity here in Amyra Ay, and I'm sure it's the same for your home district."
  13. Sharpo gently rubs his back to help calm him.
  14. "Seeing as you two have traveled here, I think I ought to explain why I'm usually here." Dert settled back into the sofa like she was right at home. "The government has decided to send us Inspectors out to keep on eye on families that previously employed tributes, and their real families as well," she sent a glance at Sarah. "The Games brings our nation together, but we worry about the small chance some people might be . . . restless, because of their direct connection to the games. I'm simply here to make sure all is well." "And it is," Louis said, "As it has been on all of your visits." "Is it?" She asked with a smirk.
  15. "On the contrary, the games bring the nation together." Her smile was all too bright, "And my work get's more interesting."
  16. "Oh, I'm not surprised, generally people forget after I leave them for a few hours y'know? they can't forget if I'm actively with them." He glanced at Kaza, then back at her.
  17. The start of Stormlight fanfic thing for an OC I made that I haven't finished yet: (this is like a first chapter maybe idk) (I should clarify that it takes place in the time skip between Oathbringer and RoW) Have I abandoned Demons of El out of boredom? Maybe? We'll see.
  18. Welcome to the Shard! Do you have a favorite kind of bagel?
  19. Random short story idea I might write but probably not so I'm putting it here before I forget: the ghost of ancient ruler is well aware that archeologists are (unsuccessfully) looking for his tomb. He thinks that if they find it and disturb his remains, he won't be able to go to the after life, so he uses his magic ghost powers to move his tomb around from place to place (I'm thinking he's stuck in one region though). The archeologists are starting the catch on though, and it's getting harder and harder for him to hide. Chaos ensues.

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      oh yeah, it's in a fantasy world cause I want it to be

    2. shortcake


      this actually sounds really cool, I would definitely read this

  20. "No . . . I am, but then they took us and made us into servants. The whole . . . forgetting thing started before that though." He didn't seem to notice her reaction.
  21. "Y'know . . . servant, do what your told without being noticed, that sort of thing," he said, waving his hands around vaguely. "People also tend to forget about me, which doesn't help."
  22. "It's okay . . . I guess I'm not super used to people looking me in the eye."
  23. ". . . sounds good, but uh . . ." "Why are you staring at me?"
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