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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Okay . . you don't seemed super determined to get out."
  2. He rolled his eyes. "Of course, I'm not an idiot." He glanced at Kaza, "At least not anymore . . ." "I simply hope we don't have to turn on each other by the end of this--even though it is likely."
  3. "The apology was sarcastic," He said dryly, but he didn't press it further. "Nice to meet you, I hope our acquaintance doesn't end with death."
  4. She tilts her head, "Is that really something they need help with? Honestly you could go get yourself a new maid right now--and you wouldn't have to go get it yourself. They do still have a maid left, y'know." Dirt chuckled in a good-natured way, "Don't think I'm judging--it's my job to be suspicious." She settled down on a sofa opposite them without being invited. Sarah offered her some tea, but Dert declined it. @TheRavenHasLanded (;0)
  5. "I see . . ." Her smile widened, "Help out with what, might I ask?"
  6. Sarah nodded, and left. Soon, she returned with the new guest. Inspector Dert was wearing a white uniform, stark against all of the black decorations in the house. She had honey colored hair and a round, pleasant face. Dert appeared to be only a few years older than Sharp'i and Kandy. "I didn't expect you to be entertaining other guests Louis," She said with a smile, "It's out of character for you." "I suppose it has been a while . . ." Louis shrugged, "These are relatives of my mother, they came from another district to visit."
  7. "No . . . if they find you it will definitely get me in trouble. Better pretend your just visiting family, then a claim of suspicious activity will be nothing more than a claim." Louis explained. "Let's pretend your a relatives of ours," Lizzie said. She didn't seem nervous at all, rather, more excited than before.
  8. "I don't know, but there was a reason we only had 2 servants and the house was in such disrepair." Sarah returned. "The inspector is insisting that you see her."
  9. Yeah, remember to breath and go slow.
  10. People can be so frustrating, I hope things can get better.
  11. "This is one of many reasons I was worried about joining your cause was . . . this." Lizzie took Kandy's hand. "I'm surprised you don't know. The inspector has been visiting us and other families that employed tributes ever since our dear Maria was taken. Haven't they visited you?" "No . . ." Sharp'i said, he seemed unsurprised. "My father is-was the type to find ways around that sort of thing, he knew how to keep people away."
  12. "Is it inspector Dert again?" Louis asked with a sigh. "Tell her I'm busy with company." Sarah nodded, pale, and left the room.
  13. Lizzie nodded sympathetically. "You've made an admirable choice, my dear." Sarah opened the door, her face nervous. "An inspector has come to you Sir," She told Louis in a low voice.
  14. "Forgive me, I'm a lost, hurt child being approached by a stranger in the middle of the woods, during a state-enforced game where we're meant to brutally murder each other for any chance of leaving this place. I think I can be allowed a little skepticism." He said sharply, almost loosing his cool. "I never said I only wanted to speak with you for the supplies, your the one who brought up you had them to give. I'm afraid you've given me no reason to trust you so far, so I can't take you offer in good faith, Give me a reason to trust you and we can move forward." "I know . . . Thank you for trying." "Don't worry, I will." "Fine," he said, sitting down again next to Kaza, but not in an attempt to sleep. "What's yours?"
  15. "It will be okay if you stop bringing up a clearly triggering event around someone who can and will attack us," He said, voice low so only Kaza heard. "Don't bat away the olive branch."
  16. He ignored her question. "I'm not inclined to be in your debt over a few supplies. If you don't want something from us, why are you offering something in the first place? It seems like a trick." "Kaza . . ."
  17. "What do you want for the supplies?" He asked Jane. @Lotus Blossom
  18. "It doesn't matter if there's something off about her, I'm sure she feels there's something off about us too . . . we need what she's offering, we don't have to be best buddies to get it."
  19. Welcome to the Shard! Sorry you got spoiled . . . . I know that pain well. Do you have a favorite kind of bagel?
  20. "Kaza . . ." Sharpo interjected, slowly lowering his pocket knife, "Don't provoke her, if she's offering supplies it's a chance we need to take."
  21. Nice! Cream cheese is always a good choice!
  22. *does a little jig while I wait for people to get online*
  23. "You don't need to know," he said quietly.
  24. Sharpo snapped awake from the half-asleep state he'd been in. "Kaza, wake up," He said, shaking his shoulders, "Did you hear that." @TheRavenHasLanded Sharpo pulled out his pocket knife and immediately crouched protectively in front of Kaza. He didn't say anything, instead he waited to see what she would do.
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