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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "What a lovely name! And your companion?" She asked. "Oh, I'm Sharp'i." Her face fell. "I see . . . You did look familiar, dear."
  2. "Relax," Lizzie grinned, obviously excited to have someone new to talk too, "Now, what was your name dear?"
  3. "It's good to be careful," Louis said, "Better to be paranoid than lack sense all together."
  4. "Well, or course!" Lizzie says, "Now that we've agreed to work together, you're our guests!" She gestured for them to sit down and she handed them the tea Sarah had brought. "I'm not sure who's at the door, but it's probably just a solicitor."
  5. "I will," Lizzie said. "And Louis will too." "Right . . ." He said, "It seems I don't have a choice." A small bell on one wall rang, indicating some at the door. Sarah got up and left to get it.
  6. Louis chuckles to himself. "You remind me of Maria . . ." "I suppose you kids are going to cause trouble whether I'm involved or not huh?" Sharp'i nodded firmly.
  7. The apathy I have towards my GPA in the final weeks of the school year is a little bit concerning 😅

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Oh my goodness you guys the school year has 6 more whole weeks in it, it feels like it'll be forever before summer finally comes :(

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      IM SO DONE

      but also all my friends are graduating…

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I'll be honest it kinda snuck up on me. ACT prep kinda consumed my year, so I'm shocked how close we are to be doing done now that it's all over.

  8. *deep breath* Ah man, I was super into Star Wars in middle school, and after that I really got into the shows as they came out but . . . These days it feels like there are 15 different things I need to watch and I'm honestly kind of lost. Not to mention one of the things I need to finish is Bad Batch, and I just don't care for it that much. I know a lot of people really like it, and everyone tells me the show is fantastic but I've watched a season and a half and I honestly have found it kind of boring. I'll admit, when the characters were introduced in The Clone Wars, they felt like filler side characters so I found them annoying. I just wanted the show to focus on Ani, Ahsoka, and Obi so I didn't enjoy their episodes much lol. I have a really hard time caring about the characters, I just don't connect with them. It does make me sad though, I loved star wars. And I kind of wish I was still as excited about it as I used to be. Is it worth jumping back into? Does it get better?
  9. "I'd rather just get in the fun way."
  10. "Right, Kandy and I just want to help. We lost someone too, y'know? But we aren't willing to just let it rest. They had no right to take our friends from us. They have no right to hypocritically make the world a place worse than it was before. I've lived thought the worst of this . . . the bloody parts. I don't want anyone else to go through that." Louis just shook his head. "A revolution will create more pain and sorrow." "Perhaps, but at least it's a pain we choose. Eventually we'll make things better and people won't have feel that pain at all. If we leave things the way they are, it will only get worse." Sarah, the maid, finally came back with Louis's coffee. She set a platter with tea on one of the side tables, probably meant for Sharp'i and Kandy. She quietly moved to stand behind the sofa. "He has a point," Lizzie said, using the interruption of the maid to finally interject. "Things will only get worse." "On the contrary, things might improve over time, but a war would plunge us headfirst into more death," Louis mused, his book now set aside. "Would you rather fight back and get an outcome you can control and guarantee, or wait years for corrupted people to finally bother with your problems?" Sharp'i asked. "I know which one I'd choose."
  11. "I don't have a soul," He said with a smile.
  12. "Who said I'm going to die anytime soon? Your exact age doesn't matter, what does is that your young and irrational."
  13. "There are several top tier casinos there, so no reason to complain."
  14. "I have nothing to hide." He sniffed loudly, "Unlike you two, it seems--really, who do you think is more suspicious: The man just trying to live his life lawfully, or two wild teenagers trying to overthrow the government?" " . . . I'm not a teenager anymore," Sharp'i mumbled. His confident, snobbish ruse was completely gone.
  15. Happy Birthday! The artwork is beautiful, I love the colors in this one!
  16. "Alrighty! My last name is Bubblegum."
  17. We have done this in the past, and it was super fun! That being said, I'm pretty sure the reservation thing (in my temple) extends to all groups, not just youth groups. Not to mention the huge amount of life stuff my family has going on right now (Obviously, that shouldn't keep us away from the temple, but it does mean there's an added layer of difficulty in making it work). For now, going with my youth group is just the most realistic option, if you know what I mean.
  18. Yeah, I live in utah-land and the reservations from my local temple is always full. My youth group try's to go as often as possible, but that ends up being every few months. I remember one of my leaders saying she went onto the reservation sight on new years eve so she could get a reservation for 2024 before everyone else lol.
  19. He sits next to him and starts chomping on the bark. "Ish nah bahd"
  20. Welcome to the Shard!! Do you have a favorite kind of bagel??
  21. Sharpo carves some long slices off of a nearby tree, making sure it was from a vaguely clean area. He hands Kaza some of them. "The part under the outer layer is very nutritious!"
  22. ":(" "Guess it's tree bark then," He pulls out his pocket knife.
  23. @Edema Rue "I know dandelions are edible . .. . "
  24. "Yeah . . . I did see a documentary once where people who were starving in the wilderness ate tree bark, but that doesn't sound healthy." He got up and started poking at the bushes around them.
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