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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Thank you! It was nice to meet you all."
  2. "Yeah! There's lots of good things out there! You've just got to try them."
  3. "Hmm, I don't have any food . . . what's your favorite food?"
  4. "I hope you see her again when you get there . . ." He mumbled. "Does anyone else want to share? It can be fun!"
  5. "It's okay, the people who hurt you are long gone. I'm gonna make things better."
  6. Sharpo pats him on the head. "I know . . . I'm sorry you couldn't stay with her."
  7. My favorite is cinnamon raisin, but I know not everyone is big on raisins. You can't go wrong with everything bagels, they're really good with cream cheese!
  8. "I meant beyond that," She says, chuckling. "I thought we could use the forest as good cover for now . . . it'll be easier to find shelter there too."
  9. She starts to help him paddle. "What's our strategy?"
  10. "I miss my mom too, what was yours like?"
  11. "It's nice to meet you! I hope we don't have to brutally murder each other later, right Kell?"
  12. "It's nice to meet you guys! My name is Po. What do you want to talk about?"
  13. True true, I've avoided reading what's out for SA5 entirely, just because I know I'd rather read it with the whole book. You'd think he'd put warnings up for that sort of stuff.
  14. Ah, I see. I'll agree that that does seem overly complicated. Perhaps they'll streamline the system in the future? It seems odd they wouldn't mention spoilers at all, seeing as the majority (but not all) of the branderfans I see online haven't read everything yet.
  15. "Of course." He sat down on the stone floor. "What do you want to tell me about--Oh you should tell your names first!"
  16. It does sound frustrating, having to track everything down. Especially if different announcements are shared in different places, and you don't have access to some. I guess my thought is, if it's important I'll hear about it eventually lol. I can understand wanting to be better informed though.
  17. "You want me to choose? Because I can. I can go and change things, and make everything better. I can make it so kids like you get the chance to choose." "But I can't do that when I'm chained to the wall. If you keep me here, your making that choice for me, just like they did to you." "Nothing will change if you don't let me go."
  18. Secret rep ninja, who are you?

    1. shortcake


      if your looking for who it was,it wasn't me

      if you're looking to hire, I am free


      ooh that rhymed

  19. "Nice, they're all my favorite colour!" Sharice swung the bag over her shoulder after putting her weapons inside. "So what's your name?" She asked their new companion.
  20. "It's always easier when some people are always evil and some people are always good--I know. But that's not how the real world works, nothing is black and white. But y'know what? That's a good thing! Everyone's there own person, and everyone get's to choose who they want to be. Isn't that great? I'm choosing to be good, you can choose too."
  21. "I don't have any other children in my care." Louis said sternly. "Louis . . ." His wife mumbled. @TheRavenHasLanded (psssssst) @TheRavenHasLanded (psst again)
  22. asdjkfalksajsdk I love your pfp

  23. Every post has a little heart button on the bottom left corner. Reputation is the count of all the likes your posts gets. For example, I liked your post, and that gave you one reputation (a little one appears by the heart, this is a counter for how much rep the post has). As your reputation increases, your 'title' will change after certain milestones (ex. yours is Skaa right now, mine is Midnight Essence). Your post count is displayed under your rep 'title'. The amount of rep you have is displayed in the achievements section of your profile page.
  24. Welcome to the Shard!! Do you have a favorite kind of bagel?
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