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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. She climbs to the top, and looks around for a gun. She also looks for supplies and smaller weapons like daggers that would be easy to carry.
  2. When she reaches it, she ignores the first layers, but instead starts climbing to the very top.
  3. Sharice runs from the starting point immediately. She glances around for her ally, but her main goal is to get to the supply cake first.
  4. The elderly lady just shook her head. "We're in no mood for a visit, young lady." The man said.
  5. I think raven is secretly a little Animal Crossing raven-based character who wears lots of sweaters and lives in a little house in the woods.
  6. "Dangit," Sharpo mumbles. "Oh ummm," He turns to the man, "I thought I saw a rat! That's disgusting you people need to do better." After thinking for a minute he added, "Go get rid of it, would you?"
  7. Why do I have to get anxiety over really stupid stuff? I'm just annoyed at myself at this point -_-

    1. shortcake


      my PMs are always open if you ever want to talk ❤️

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Thanks shorty, I'm feeling better today which is good.

    3. shortcake


      that's good ❤️

  8. She nods sympathetically. "I think my master would disagree but . . . it's for their own good." The maid gestures at the staircase, and leads them up it, down the left hallway. Everything on the second floor is black as well. The maid knocks on a pair of large oak doors, and enters. "What is the meaning of this?" An elderly man sitting in an armchair says is they all enter. An elderly woman was sitting on a sofa, holding some needle point. They're both dressed in black, and everything in the room seems blacker than the black in the hallway. "We told you we didn't want to see them Marla." She said sternly.
  9. "Really?" Her brow wrinkles in a concerned way. "How awful, ours was 16." "We thought maybe speaking with others who had lost someone would help things." Sharp'i said, his snobbishness wearing down a bit. She nodded, and seemed to reconsider.
  10. The maid looked between the two of them. "So they took one from you too?" She asked quietly.
  11. "Help with what?" The maid asked, drawing her lips into a line.
  12. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  13. Sharpo tries the keys on the chain on his ankle.
  14. The maid takes a huge step away from her, clearly uncomfortable. "Please leave." "Could we speak with them even for a moment? It shouldn't take long." Sharp'i added.
  15. Penn followed them, unsure what was happening, but enjoying the ride.
  16. "It's a good thing you know me these days." He said, smiling, "I used to be like that for real." The maid came back a moment later. "The master and mistress said they were in no mood for company, and request you come again another time."
  17. *Hops down* *Gets another chair* *Puts it next Raven's* There we go!!!!
  18. "That's probably true . . . " After a quick moment of thought, he knocked on the door. A middle aged women with grey streaked brown hair opened the door. She was wearing a maid uniform. "Can I help you?" "Hello," Sharp'i said, trying to sound rich and snobby, which came fairly easy to him. "I'm here to visit the Hurino's." (the last name of the rich district peeps I just made this up) The maid looks him up and down, then glances at Kandy. "Right . . . this way Sir." She led them inside to a entrance room that had a large curved staircase on the far side, and several large doors on all sides. Everything was draped and decorated in black. "If you wouldn't mind waiting here, I'll inform them your here," The maid said tiredly, moving up the stairs and off into a hallway. "I'm hoping to bluff my through this." Sharp'i whispered when she was finally gone, "Maybe I can convince them I'm some distant cousin stopping for a visit."
  19. "I could never live in one of those . . . too close to other people." He moves up onto the front porch to knock. "Do you think we should . . . start with the whole rebellion thing? It'd probably be better to let them on slowly right?"
  20. *stands on the chair with raven* ME TO MOSTLY
  21. I have been kidnapped by ghosts and am now forced to play through past events as the perpetrator of a situation that wasn't my fault, likely until my ultimate doom. So really good!!
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