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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "I'm really sorry for yelling and I don't usually get angry but YOU IDIOT STUPID LADY I AM HIS FRIEND BECAUSE HE SAID I MAKE HIM HAPPY DONT YOU DARE SAY OTHERWISE." Then he hit the bars with an "oooof" "Okay maybe we should panic now," He said.
  2. "Don't-" He sighs, "Just try not to panic okay?"
  3. "JUST TAKE A DEEP BREATH IT"S GONNA BE FINE." He whispers back.
  4. He staggers a bit, unbalanced by being pulled. Without much else to do, he walks towards where it's pulling him too. "Kaza, it's okay, nothing terrible has happened yet."
  5. "Nothing's immediately dangerous right? We're still good, we just need to think of a way out of this." Sharpo looked around for the cell he was chained to.
  6. "Ah crap." He jiggles his leg to see if his ankle would go through it. "Calm down, we're still alright. I'm sure there's a way out of this."
  7. Sharpo helps him up.
  8. "Whoops!" He holds up his ankle to see what it is.
  9. "It's okay, everything's okay," Sharpo glances down the hall. "I'd get you out but I'm not sure how." He starts to lead him down the hall.
  10. "Kaza, it's me, Po."
  11. Sharpo squeezes his hand. "It's okay, It's okay. You're here with me."
  12. "It's kinda chilly in here." "What else are we supposed to do with our time?"
  13. "Wait! We're here to buy ice cream!"
  14. He turns to the little girl again.
  15. He scrunched up his face. "No it's not--but let's not have this argument here."
  16. "True . . . I don't want you to hurt yourself doing that though."
  17. "That's . . . concerning."
  18. "I'm sure it's just fine." He turns to the little girl. "Do you live here?" @Edema Rue
  19. "Whoops, are you okay?"
  20. "Hello! Are you a ghost? Do you sell Ice cream?"
  21. "Maria . . ." Sharp'i read. "Yeah, the house she worked for isn't too far from here." He pulled out a notebook and wrote down her address and information.
  22. Penn sighs and puts the cookie away, offended.
  23. "Well it was nice to meet you!"
  24. "You don't need to be shy!" She took another shot. "I'm really friendly, most of the time, except when I'm not!" She lowers her gun and points to one at random. "We should be friends!"
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