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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Penn picks it up. "This is for you!"
  2. Penn digs in his coat and pulls out cookie. Then he hands it to MeeM.
  3. "ME,ee,Em." Penn said, trying to fix it.
  4. "Yes, you've established that," Penn said, getting a little frustrated. "MeeME'M"
  5. "MEE'mEM." Penn replied, trying to understand.
  6. "MeeM to you too sir," "True . . ."
  7. "Yeah well, that sort of skill does you no good in solitaire."
  8. "Well, I just cheat the whole time, but yeah."
  9. "I can't learn to do it correctly, if you fix my mistakes," He chided, taking the card and putting at the bottom of the deck. He then proceeded to shuffle through the deck, making a couple moves, but then just pulling the ace back out. "I'm better at poker," He grumbled.
  10. Pen pulls out a deck of cards and starts playing solitaire.
  11. Pen falls out of his ready crouch, and settles on the ground. "Alright then."
  12. "Oh, we're changing the plan again?" he sighed. "Are we ever gonna get around to getting this done?"
  13. "I'm still keeping up hope, perhaps the shop keeper is just eccentric!"
  14. "It'll be fine! This is a weird place to sell Ice cream though, you'd think they'd fix the floors for customers."
  15. Sharpo peaks his head between the bars, looking for the source of the light.
  16. "Wait . . . aren't we waiting here to kill something?"
  17. "Oh, Okay!" She shot at a few more dummies. "My name's Sharice, what's yours?"
  18. "Owwwwww . . . . ." He continues down the wall anyway.
  19. Do you ever communicate badly and say something in a weird way, using the wrong words and now you're super worried that person thinks you're insane?

  20. She takes it and shoots one of dummies in the dead center. "Is that good? Or . . . what should else should I do?"
  21. Sharlee burns A-tin to see if it'll give her any sort of advantage. She looks in the stuff for a pistol.
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