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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Kaza? Your doing it wrong, Kaza."
  2. "Maybe we should search for an icec ream shop!"
  3. "Probably, not dying is the first step."
  4. "Woah, neat trick." He whispers back.
  5. "Right," He hunkered down behind a boulder, new sword in hand, invisible to onlookers.
  6. "Yaaay! How do we do that exactly??"
  7. "Nice!! Should we get into position?"
  8. "The plan is to kickbut so Shar'i isn't sad!"
  9. "We'll get more power that way as well . . . hmmm."
  10. He thought for a few seconds. "Yeah, Okay! Let's do this!"
  11. "Perhaps we could do the first strike together?"
  12. "So . . . when Sleeper lures it, do I attack?"
  13. "He would probably be really excited. . ." Sharpo smiled, "I think I'm starting to get what you mean."
  14. "Nobody abuses me, I just make them sad, and that makes me sad. But . . . I guess your right that that's pretty self-centered. I just don't want to cause the people I care about pain."
  15. "Really?" He smiles really big. "I mean that's not -I'm really sorry you were crying about that but-" "I don't make you sad?"
  16. "You weren't- you weren't crying because of me?"
  17. Do you ever sit in a chair wrong and then your whole leg goes numb?

    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I thought that happened to everyone.

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      It does it just really shocked me in class lol

  18. "No I have! You were crying last night and everything. You wouldn't feel conflicted about killing me if I wasn't here to start with." He stares at him. "Put the knife away."
  19. He stares at the ground, eyes distant. "So I shouldn't have left him the book . . . I-I knew it, but he made me tell him about the forgetting and-" He starts to cry a little. "And he was so eager to help, but now I'm going to die and I can't fix it." "I thought I'd just make him more sad and that's why I need to go . . . I make everyone sad."
  20. I simply meant that because they're colonizers, the native people might have reasons to overthrow them, and that could be a plotline if we want. I wasn't saying they all have to be evil. I did start working on a race description in the doc, but it's just ideas at this point.
  21. "Well, y'know how you do stuff wrong? Well I have something like that, but instead people just forget about me. If I spend to much time away from them they'll forget I exist. Sometimes I don't even have to be away . . . It was pretty useful when staying out of trouble with the peacekeepers but-" Sharpo turns his head away before continuing. "Sometimes, before the rebellion, my mom would forget about me. She would usually remember again in a few hours but it was still hard. My dad forgot about me when I was real young, and didn't ever remember me again. It wasn't his fault, it's just the way things are. After the peacekeepers took us I would sneak away and go visit my mom. Luckily, they hadn't transferred me to another city or something, so it wasn't hard. Well, one time I went to go see her and she had forgotten--she never remember again." "It was when I got to Shar'i that I realized the truth." He forces himself to smile. "Everybody seems happier when they forget about me y'know? My mom didn't have to worry about me being away from her, my dad could focus on the other kids, the peacekeepers had one less kid to deal with. I think it's fate. I don't deserve to be here and that's why everyone forgets about me. If I go away--forever--no one will have to remember me, and then I won't feel sad about being forgotten." "I-I don't want Shar'i to forget about me, but I left him a book with lots of stuff to remember by, so it's okay! He'll be sad when I go, but that's better than actively causing pain."
  22. "Well, yeah, but I can die I think . . . yes I'd be fine with that."
  23. "I won't kill you Kaza, that wouldn't make sense at all!"
  24. "We're wise in what we have experience with I guess. I'm only ten . . . that's not a lot of time to experience everything."
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