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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "How else am I meant to make money? It's what I do. I didn't know they were holding a reaping in the same square, honest!"
  2. "Well, they pulled my name and then some rude lady was like all angry about it, but I had a game to finish y'know? Well she got real pissed and then some buff guys dragged me away and shoved me in a stinky building. I got on the train from there."
  3. "Dunno . . . I got kidnapped after I won one of the biggest gambles of the week, they didn't even let me keep the cash!"
  4. "Great! I'm starving, you coming?" She asks Kell.
  5. "Oh nice! You up for going again?"
  6. Oh that seems interesting! We do need a main goal for the whole group as well, which I have a few ideas for Sure! I don't see why not
  7. @Edema Rue @Invisible @SmilingPanda19
  8. "Even if they do . . . ." He continued to mumble, "Then you . . . won't be sad for forgetting about me . . . like all those other times."
  9. "I met him at Mcdonalds actually, a rather odd place to buy my soul back but I wasn't complaining."
  10. Sharpo's subconscious must have heard something, because he snuggled up to Kaza a little more. As if reliving an old memory in his dreams he started to mumble quietly. "Don't . . . . cry mommy . . . I'm sure they won't . . . take . . . me . . . away."
  11. "In Sleeper's defense, I have met the devil in cuba before."
  12. (3 skills: combat, speed, survival skills) She steps back, giving him a moment to catch his breath. "Your good! Were'd you learn to fight like that?"
  13. I love the ideas so far! I'm gonna check the doc in a minute and maybe add some things Okay so . . . the thing about this. I'm flattered you like my character! I have a world building project that I've been working on for 3-4 years now that centers around him so, I already have his world, backstory, and magic system pretty much laid out. The magic system is far too over complicated to use in an RP, and I haven't finished developing parts of it (it seems simple in A&E because he's only using one facet of it, and he's explaining it in way that brushes over the complexity for time sake). I think it'd be super cool if you used him as inspiration, just know that Penn already has a 'canon' backstory and world. If we do have these higher tech colonizers who are treated like gods, I think it'd be cool if they sort of kept up that pretense to use to their advantage, y'know? Like creating religions based off of themselves so that people follow and worship them. (this could also give us an interesting badguy if we want to go in the overthrowing-a-tyrant direction.)
  14. Sharice uses the distraction to get an extra swing on Kell while he's not looking.
  15. "Right," he mumbles, drifting back to sleep.
  16. I generally don't think of myself as a shy person . . . but then an opportunity arises that requires the tiniest bit of social initiative and then I immediately freeze up lol

  17. *Sighs wistfully while glancing out the window at the rising sun*

    Another morning on the Shard, another LOVE-POTION-BREAKUP-HELP-CALL-NOW bot


  18. "Alright . . . but I'll hold onto it in case you want it later."
  19. I have been summoned (and I'm bored in class soo . . .) In summary, you're an icon imo
  20. Happy Birthday!!!

    (my friend who's never been on the Shard is looking over my shoulder and she says Happy Birthday too!)

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