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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Okay . . . I'm just scared someone will come across us and attack you." Using his 'bag' as a pillow he settled into the grass right next to Kaza and immediately fell asleep.
  2. He rooted around in his yellow coat for a minute, and then pulled out a wicked looking dagger. "It's not magic but . . . it looks cool!" He offered it to Roy.
  3. Oh absolutely! Just try and keep things organized (sorry I couldn't respond consistently last night, I was busy). Maybe we could merge them into one system? I think we could do multiple magic systems, but they would need to be fairly distinct from one another.
  4. "I . . . wow that's a lot of responsibility." He glanced at the sword looking a little worried. "I guess I'll do my best." "Don't worry, I'm sure there will be other cool swords to wield."
  5. She recovers quickly, using the momentum from the hit to move to his side, then she strikes again.
  6. Thanks! I struggled a bit with the dialogue tags so it seems kinda messy in my eyes
  7. "AHH you've gotta be gentle with yourself!!" Sharpo pulled his water bottle out and handed it Kaza. He plops down next to him and lays back in the grass, exhausted. "We really need to think of a plan."
  8. "Huh . . . unity." A distant expression appears on his face.
  9. Sharice grabs a wooden sword. Acting quickly, she swings at his midsection.
  10. askldjf;laskdjf that's brilliant why didn't I think of that . . . These are great ideas! I do have to go now for today though.
  11. Oh that seems really interesting! Here's the doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X07MIo6bumnml8nqROP7ucoXbG6GKPVID2c7OLN1JJk/edit?usp=sharing It's very bare bones at the moment, feel free to add stuff before I get to it (also pls let me know if it doesn't work)
  12. Please tell me I'm not the only one who hates Of Mice and Men

    1. shortcake


      I'm trying to remember.. they're a music group, right?

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Nope . . . it's an American novel written in the 30's. I had to read it in my English class.

    3. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      My brother does.

  13. "Right," she glanced around. "Would you like to spar while we wait for others to show up?"
  14. This seems like a great idea! Are you thinking more along the lines of just sharing prompts, or having everyone put a bunch of prompts together in one (or a few) story?
  15. I see my reputation precedes me . . . . (jk) Cinnamon raisin is actually my favorite as well, but I quite like it with raisins myself. I've never understood the raisin hate. Anyways, welcome to the Shard!!
  16. More Demons of El: [TW: Mild Blood] (Also I recently noticed that the opening scene of this is just me subconsciously rewriting the first episode of demon slayer but whatever)
  17. She smiled. "I'd love to! A runner on my side would be very useful."
  18. "Well I can fight already fight pretty well, so that should be an advantage, what about you?"
  19. "Sharice," She replied, "It's nice to meet you."
  20. Sharice reluctantly gets up and starts looking around for someone to spar with. She moves up to the group of guys who seemed to be talking (Kell, old guy and Arthur). "Hello!"
  21. "Don't worry! I'm sure it'll be just fine."
  22. For now we can take our time to brainstorm ideas here in the thread . . . Some basic questions to get us started: -What time period is it based on? -What sort of magic systems do we want to allow? -How big is this world? -What fantasy races might live here? Do they have specific magic? -What could serve as monsters or bad guys? -What should our main Quest's goal be about? @Scars of Hathsin @witsthebest (I tried buddy)
  23. Sharice sits on the edge of the area nonchalantly. She was just thankful she had been able to get out of that murder of a ceremony dress. Maybe she could make some alliances while she was here.
  24. "I suppose we'll find out when we use it, either way it's the best chance we have."
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