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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Right . . . nevermind. Maybe we could somehow look for others unhappy with the way things are."
  2. "Weren't you . . . involved in the first rebellion? I do have experience yes, but everybody we might go to for help hates my guts."
  3. "Hey and you've done this before right? Do you know anyone who'd be willing to help us?"
  4. "I don't know . . . everyone's busy with the games right now. They'll have tons of security focused on stopping revolutions from the inside of the games, because that's what they did. They won't expect us to try and take them down, in their logic we're perfectly happy with the way things are."
  5. "I mean . . . it kinda flopped let's be real."
  6. "What if we overthrow the government."
  7. "Because your a living human being--and if that isn't enough you've been really kind to me."
  8. He turns the TV off. "I'm not sure, what should we do?"
  9. "No, everyone deserves to be happy. Even if they've made mistakes in the past. You deserve to be happy for sure!"
  10. "But I didn't so that's good!"
  11. "Everyone is supposed to be happy."
  12. "You gotta let yourself be happy now, stupid, or else you'll live your whole life thinking you'll be happy later but never actually doing."
  13. "And thank goodness for that. Who knows what would've happened if you hadn't been there."
  14. "Your gonna bleed out !!! 0-0"
  15. "Oh know did you do standing wrong? You've gotta be careful!" He helps up again.
  16. He grinned. "How is a man supposed to go through with his morally questionable schemes when your around?"
  17. "Shar'i always got me ice cream when I was feeling sad, so I just thought, seeing as your hurt and stuff . . ."
  18. "Aw, that's a shame. I was hoping it'd cheer you up : ("
  19. "I don't know! Do you think they have an ice cream shop somewhere?"
  20. "I guess he worried I'd run off and make trouble, though I honestly don't know what I'd have done."
  21. "Well, Sharp (the brother) and Sharvil both wanted me out and The House hadn't completely fallen apart yet. They were able to convince my father to get me out--not to mention my father was the paranoid type. He preferred to have me where he could keep me under control, if you know what I mean."
  22. "That's good!" Sharpo said, putting his knife back in his pocket.
  23. "Maybe? We could go back and see if it's on the ground somewhere."
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